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"该资源是一本关于算法复杂性和复杂系统理论的PDF书籍,涉及到计算机科学、人工智能、复杂网络等多个领域的知识。书中详细介绍了算法复杂性的概念,它是由索洛莫诺夫、科尔莫戈罗夫和柴廷在1964-1966年间独立提出的,衡量的是生成特定输出的最短程序的长度与输出大小之间的关系。此外,书中还讨论了复杂系统和复杂网络的研究,特别是D.J. Watts和S.H. Strogatz以及A.L. Barabasi和R.Albert的工作如何推动了复杂网络的研究,强调了实际网络中的小世界性和无标度性特征,以及这些特征背后的演化模型和统计物理学原理。" 在这本书中,算法复杂性被定义为一种评估计算问题难度的方法,关注的是在通用理论计算机上执行的程序的效率。这种效率是通过测量产生特定输出所需程序的长度(以二进制位数计算)与输出本身的大小之间的比率来确定的,这个比率在输出趋于无穷大时的极限值即为算法复杂性。这一概念对于理解和优化计算过程至关重要,尤其是在处理大规模数据和复杂计算问题时。 另一方面,复杂系统和复杂网络是近年来科学研究的热点。复杂网络理论源于物理学家Watts和Strogatz以及Barabasi和Albert的工作,他们揭示了许多真实世界网络具有的共性特征,即“小世界性”和“无标度性”。小世界性意味着网络中的节点间距离相对较小,而邻接节点之间存在紧密的连接。无标度性则表明网络中节点的连接数量遵循幂律分布,这意味着某些节点拥有远超其他节点的高连接度,形成了所谓的“hub”节点。这两个特性解释了现实世界网络如社会关系网、互联网和生物网络的组织结构。 书中可能进一步探讨了复杂网络的演化模型,这些模型展示了小世界性和无标度性如何通过随机性和选择性连接机制产生。统计物理学的工具被用来分析这些模型,从而理解网络形成的动态过程和稳定性。这种跨学科的研究方法不仅深化了我们对复杂系统组织的理解,也对网络科学、信息技术和其他领域产生了深远的影响。
2009-01-16 上传
This book presents a unified treatment of many different kinds of planning algorithms. The subject lies at the crossroads between robotics, control theory, artificial intelligence, algorithms, and computer graphics. The particular subjects covered include motion planning, discrete planning, planning under uncertainty, sensor-based planning, visibility, decision-theoretic planning, game theory, information spaces, reinforcement learning, nonlinear systems, trajectory planning, nonholonomic planning, and kinodynamic planning. "Motion planning is an important field of research with applications in such diverse terrains as robotics, molecular modeling, virtual environments, and games. Over the past two decades a huge number of techniques have been developed, all with their merits and shortcomings. The book by Steve LaValle gives an excellent overview of the current state of the art in the field. It should lie on the desk of everybody that is involved in motion planning research or the use of motion planning in applications." _ _ | | | | _ _ | | _____ ____ _____| | _| |_ ___ ____ ____ _____ ____ _| |_ ___ | || ___ |/ _ (____ | | (_ _) _ / ___) ___) ___ | _ (_ _)/___) | || ____( (_| / ___ | | | || |_| | | | | | ____| | | || |_|___ | _)_____)___ _____|_) __)___/|_| |_| |_____)_| |_| __|___/ (_____| -LEGAL TORRENTS Purpose: create a balance, share the already free stuff, public domain works, freeware, free music, free ebooks, articles, manifestos, movie trailers, and more. show the copyright owners that torrent websites shouldn't bear the responsibility of what their users upload, torrent websites are very much similar to google.. users upload what they want to upload, download what they want to download, and search for what they want to search.. by creating this balance and sharing the already free stuff, we hope to take the pressure of torrent websites.. _ _ | | | | _ _ | | _____ ____ _____| | _| |_ ___ ____ ____ _____ ____ _| |_ ___ | || ___ |/ _ (____ | | (_ _) _ / ___)