
需积分: 0 0 下载量 68 浏览量 更新于2023-12-30 收藏 767KB PDF 举报
This document, titled "ES0396_STM32H750xB and STM32H753xI Single Chip Microcontroller Limitations," outlines the limitations and errata associated with the STM32H750xB and STM32H753xI devices as of June 2019. The document provides an in-depth analysis of the specific part numbers and their variants, along with workarounds for the device limitations outlined in the device datasheet and reference manual RM0433. Section 1 of the document offers a comprehensive summary of the limitations and errata associated with the STM32H750xB and STM32H753xI devices, while Section 2 provides detailed descriptions of workarounds for these limitations. The document aims to assist users in navigating and mitigating the constraints of these single chip microcontrollers, ensuring smoother and more efficient operation of the devices. The applicability of this document pertains to the part numbers of STM32H750xB and STM32H753xI devices, as listed in Table 1, and their respective variants displayed in Table 2. The limitations and workarounds detailed in this document are specifically tailored to these part numbers and variants, offering valuable insights for users working with these specific devices. In conclusion, "ES0396_STM32H750xB and STM32H753xI Single Chip Microcontroller Limitations" serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding and addressing the limitations of the STM32H750xB and STM32H753xI devices. By providing detailed information and workarounds, this document empowers users to effectively navigate and optimize the performance of these single chip microcontrollers, ultimately enhancing their overall functionality and efficiency.