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The Comparison Between Winbtopmc And Xin’Anjiang
Xin Penglei
Graduate student,College of water resources and environment,Hohai University,Nanjing
The Xin’anjiang model is used widely and perfected in China during the last thirty years, and
WinBTOMC model is refers to the Blockwise application of TOPMODEL, which needs more high
resolution hydrologic data and seems have a better performance. This study compared these two
models on a same semi-arid basin, and the result is: the Xin’anjaing model performed much better than
the WinBTOPMC model on yearly data while the WinBTOPMC model performs well on monthly
metrological data.
Keywords:Xin’anjiang Model,WinBTOPMC model,distributed
1. Introduction
Xin’anjiang model
is used widely and
perfectly in china for the last thirty years,
however, as a conceptual model, it seems can’t
catch up with the world now. Nowadays, there
are more and more high resolution digital data
available and more and more distributed
hydrologic models are flourishing. May be it is
high time we modify the Xin’anjiang mdoel to a
distributed one.
The WinBTOPMC model
is refers to the
Blockwise application of TOPMODEL, using
Muskingham-Cunge flow routing, and because of
its sub-division block, it overcome a commonly
accepted maximum basin area of 1500 km2 for
TOPMODEL applications.
This study tried to find out the merit of this
WinBTOPMC comparing with the Xin’anjiang
model on a semi-arid watershed-the Dongwan
basin which located in the south of the Yellow
river in China. It is a middle larged watershed
with an area about 2700 quare kilometers and the
terrain of the region is moderately sloping with
soils. The annual average precipitation of the
region is 500-800
which varies greatly
among different years, the greatest annual
precipitation would be 3 times than that of others.
There are 11 precipitation gauging stations and 3
discharge gauging stations.
However, the result is not perfect as
expected, The Xin’anjiang model performed
better on the yearly data; otherwise, the
WinBTOPMC model performed well on monthly
2. Xin’Anjiang Model
The main feature of Xin’anjiang Model is the
concept of runoff formation on repletion of
storage, which means that runoff is not produced
until the soil moisture content of the aeration
zone reaches field capacity, and then the runoff
equals the rainfall excess without further loss.
2.1 The Model structure
The basin is divided into several blocks. The
outflow from each block is first simulated and
then routed down the channels to the mail basin
outlet. Based on the concept of runoff formation
on the repletion of storage, the simulation of
outflow from each block is consisted of four
major parts:
(a)the evapotranspiration which generates the
deficit of soil storage which is divided into three
layers: upper, lower and deep;
(b)the runoff production which produces the
runoff according to the rainfall and soil storage
(c)the runoff separation which divides the above
so determined into three components: surface,
interflow and groundwater;
(d) the flow routing which transfers the local
runoff to the outlet of each block forming the
outflow of the block.
2.2 The Model performance
Xin’anjiang Model performs well in this basin,