OMG-OCEB2-BUSINT200 Exam Overview
105 minutes in English-speaking countries (exception: city of Quebec) and 135 minutes in all others.
US$250 (or local equivalent) in English-speaking countries (exception: city of Quebec) and US$260 (or
local equivalent) in all others.
Multiple choice (text and BPMN diagrams)
>=59 of 90 questions answered correctly (>=66%)
Passing score on OCEB-2 Fundamental Exam.
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) v2.0.2: Chapters 9.5 (Conversations [only the
introduction]), 9.5.2 (Conversation), 10.3.5 (Sub-Processes), 10.3.6 (Call Activity), 10.5.6 (Handling
Events), 10.6.5 (Complex Gateway), 10.7 (Compensation), Table 10.88 (End Event Types), 11
(Choreography [only introduction]), 11.2 (Basic Choreography Concepts), 12.1.1 (Scope), 12.1.2 (Diagram
Definition and Interchange), 13 (BPMN Execution Semantics [through 13.3.1]), 13.4.5 (Complex Gateway
(related to Complex Condition and Complex Merge)), 15.1 (Interchanging Incomplete Models) and Events
Business Motivation Model (BMM) v1.3: Chapters 1 (Scope), 7 (The Business Motivation Model), Figure
7.1 (BMM Overview), 7.3.8 (Organization Unit), 7.3.9 (Business Process) with Annex F.2 (BPMN), 7.3.10
(Business Rule) with Annex F.3 (Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules), 7.4 (Processes
Supported by the Business Motivation Model), 7.5 (Business Motivation Model Structure), 8 (The Core
Elements of the Business Motivation Model), 8.5.8 (EU-Rent Example: Reaction to Influencers), Annex B
(Metrics for the BMM) and Annex G (Defaults for Categorization).
Decision Model and Notation (DMN) v1.3: Chapters 5 (Introduction to DMN), 6 (Requirements (DRG and
DRD)), 7 (Relating Decision Logic to Decision Requirements), 8.1 (Introduction), 8.2 (Notation), 8.3
(Metamodel), 11 (DMN Examples) and Annex A (Relation to BPMN).
Business Process Maturity Model (BPMM) v1.0: Chapters 2.2 (Conformance with the Specification), 6.1
(The BPMM Uses), 7 (BPMM Normative Content and Structure [only the introduction]), 8 (Introduction),
9 (The BPMM Family) and 10 (BPMM Concepts).
Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Rules (SBVR) v1.5: Chapters 1 (Scope), 2 (Conformance), Annex
E (Overview of the Approach [except E.4.5, E.5 and E.6]) and Annex F (The Business Rules Approach
[except F.4]).
Recommended Exam
Study Guides
*The topics from the sources listed below were used to write the exam questions. However, you may
use other (online) sources covering the same topic(s) and still pass the exam.
Fundamentals of Business Process Management (Dumas), 2
Edition: Chapters 1.4 (The BPM Lifecycle),
7.1.1 (Calculating Cycle Time Using Flow Analysis), 7.1.2 (Cycle Time Efficiency), 7.1.7 (Limitations of Flow
Analysis), 9.1 (Types of Process-Aware Information Systems), 9.2 (Advantages of Introducing a BPMS),
9.3 (Challenges of Introducing a BPMS) and 11.5 (Process Performance Mining).
Real-Life BPMN: Using BPMN 2.0 to Analyze, Improve, and Automate Processes in Your Company
(Freund & Rucker): Chapters 2.3.4 (Default Flow and Getting Stuck), 2.6.4 (Error Events), 2.6.9
(Compensation Events), 2.8.3 (Attached Events), 2.8.6 (Event Subprocesses), (Explicit Modeling
of Errors), 5.1 (About This Level) and 5.2 (The Basics).
Business Process Change: A Guide for Business Managers and BPM and Six Sigma Professionals, 3
Edition (Harmon): Chapter 3 (Understanding Your Organization [systems-view vs. process-view])
Business Modeling: A Practical Guide to Realizing Business Value (Bridgeland & Zahavi): Chapter 7
(Creating a Good Model)
Business Rule Concepts: Getting to the Point of Knowledge, 4
Edition (Ross): Chapters 1 (What You
Need to Know About Structured Business Vocabularies), 2 (What You Need to Know About Business
Rules), 7 (Business Rules) and 11 (Business Rules and Business Processes).
Business Process Management with a Business Rules Approach: Implementing the Service Oriented
Architecture (Debevoise): Chapters 3 (Business Process Management) and 4 (Business Rules).