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"Spring Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach 2nd Edition" 本书是关于Spring框架的实战指南,适用于从初级到高级的Java开发者,通过实际的代码示例来讲解Spring 3的新特性和功能。它涵盖了Spring的核心概念、企业级应用、Web开发等多个方面。 在Spring核心部分,书中详细介绍了Spring的IoC(Inversion of Control)容器和应用程序上下文,以及如何有效地使用它们。同时,还探讨了Spring的AOP(Aspect-Oriented Programming)支持,包括经典AOP和新的Spring AOP,以及与AspectJ的集成和加载时编织。此外,书中还提供了数据访问简化的方法,如使用Spring与JDBC、Hibernate和JPA进行交互,并介绍了编程式和声明式事务管理。 在企业级应用方面,讲解了Spring与Java EE的集成,Spring Integration、Spring Batch、jBPM与Spring的结合、Spring远程调用、消息传递、事务处理、使用Terracotta和GridGain进行扩展,以及构建云系统等内容。这些内容有助于将Spring应用于复杂的企业环境中。 在Web开发章节,读者可以学习到Spring MVC、Spring Web Flow 2、Spring Roo等技术,以及与其他动态脚本语言的集成,如Groovy和Grails框架。此外,还包括了RESTful服务和Web服务的创建,使用Spring WS和XFire实现合同后向兼容,通过Spring Web Services实现合同优先的开发。同时,书中还涉及了与Struts、JSF、DWR等流行框架的整合。 测试支持是另一个关键点,书中讲解了Spring的单元测试和集成测试,支持JUnit 3.8、JUnit 4和TestNG框架,帮助开发者建立健壮的测试策略。 安全方面,读者将了解到如何使用Spring Security来保护应用程序,实现用户认证和授权。 本书适合想要快速掌握Spring框架进行Java/Java EE开发的读者,无论是初学者还是有经验的开发者,都可以从中受益。书中的代码示例可以直接应用于项目中,作为快速启动新项目的模板,节省开发时间。
2010-09-06 上传
Spring Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Second Edition With over 3 Million users/developers, Spring Framework is the leading “out of the box” Java framework. Spring addresses and offers simple solutions for most aspects of your Java/Java EE application development, and guides you to use industry best practices to design and implement your applications. The release of Spring Framework 3 has ushered in many improvements and new features. Spring Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Second Edition continues upon the bestselling success of the previous edition but focuses on the latest Spring 3 features for building enterprise Java applications. This book provides elementary to advanced code recipes to account for the following, found in the new Spring 3: * Spring fundamentals: Spring IoC container, Spring AOP/ AspectJ, and more * Spring enterprise: Spring Java EE integration, Spring Integration, Spring Batch, jBPM with Spring, Spring Remoting, messaging, transactions, scaling using Terracotta and GridGrain, and more. * Spring web: Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow 2, Spring Roo, other dynamic scripting, integration with popular Grails Framework (and Groovy), REST/web services, and more. This book guides you step by step through topics using complete and real-world code examples. Instead of abstract descriptions on complex concepts, you will find live examples in this book. When you start a new project, you can consider copying the code and configuration files from this book, and then modifying them for your needs. This can save you a great deal of work over creating a project from scratch! What you’ll learn * How to use the IoC container and the Spring application context to best effect. * Spring’s AOP support, both classic and new Spring AOP, integrating Spring with AspectJ, and load-time weaving. * Simplifying data access with Spring (JDBC, Hibernate, and JPA) and managing transactions both programmatically and declaratively. * Spring’s support for remoting technologies (RMI, Hessian, Burlap, and HTTP Invoker), EJB, JMS, JMX, email, batch, scheduling, and scripting languages. * Integrating legacy systems with Spring, building highly concurrent, grid-ready applications using Gridgain and Terracotta Web Apps, and even creating cloud systems. * Building modular services using OSGi with Spring DM and Spring Dynamic Modules and SpringSource dm Server. * Delivering web applications with Spring Web Flow, Spring MVC, Spring Portals, Struts, JSF, DWR, the Grails framework, and more. * Developing web services using Spring WS and REST; contract-last with XFire, and contract–first through Spring Web Services. * Spring’s unit and integration testing support (on JUnit 3.8, JUnit 4, and TestNG). * How to secure applications using Spring Security. Who this book is for This book is for Java developers who would like to rapidly gain hands-on experience with Java/Java EE development using the Spring framework. If you are already a developer using Spring in your projects, you can also use this book as a reference—you’ll find the code examples very useful.