第 34 卷第 7 期
2017 年 7 月
控 制 理 论 与 应 用
Control Theory & Applications
Vol. 34 No. 7
Jul. 2017
DOI: 10.7641/CTA.2017.60903
张海刚, 张 森
, 尹怡欣, 张晓娟
(北京科技大学 自动化学院, 北京 100083)
摘要: 布料是高炉上部调节的主要方式, 料面形状特征是指导高炉工长做出下一次布料决策的重要依据. 本文通
过分析高炉雷达实测料面数据, 结合专家经验, 提出了一种料面特征定义和提取的方法, 提取出了能够表征料面形
状的6个特征; 然后将谱聚类算法引入到料面特征数据的聚类中, 建立了料面特征模型库; 最后将新的料面特征与
模型库数据匹配, 为后续高炉布料控制奠定研究基础. 在仿真结果中采用真实高炉生产数据, 验证了料面特征提取
方法的有效性. 仿真结果表明谱聚类算法相比传统的K-mean和模糊C均值聚类算法, 具有收敛速度快, 聚类性能高
等特点, 能够准确有效地建立料面特征模型库.
关键词: 高炉; 料面; 特征提取; 谱聚类; 特征匹配
中图分类号: TP271 文献标识码: A
Feature extraction and clustering of blast furnace burden surface
ZHANG Hai-gang, ZHANG Sen
, YIN Yi-xin, ZHANG Xiao-juan
(School of Automation & Electrical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract: Burden distribution is the main way to adjust the upper part of the blast furnace. Shape features of the burden
surface are the important basis for guiding the blast furnace foreman to make the next burden distribution decision. In this
paper, a new burden surface definition and extraction approach is proposed by analyzing the measured surface radars data
and combining with expert experience, six features are extracted to characterize the shape of burden surface. The spectral
clustering algorithm is then utilized to the extracted feature clustering problem in order to set up the standard feature model
database of the burden surface. Finally, the new burden surface features data will be matched with the samples in the
history model library. This work will lay the foundation for further study of the blast furnace burden distribution control.
The simulation results show that this feature extraction method and the clustering algorithm is effective. Compared with the
ordinary K-mean and fuzzy C-mean clustering algorithms, the spectral clustering algorithm presents better performance
with relatively faster convergent speed, which is more efficient and accurate to establish the history model library for the
burden line.
Key words: blast furnace; burden surface; feature extraction; spectral clustering; feature matching
1 引引引言言言(Introduction)
高炉炼铁是国民生产的支柱产业. 高炉生产过程
伴随着复杂的物理和化学反应, 其生产模型仍然处
于“黑箱”状态. 布料控制是高炉生产中极为重要的
操作技术, 属于高炉生产的上部调节. 合适的料面形
状能够提高炉内的煤气利用率, 保证高炉稳定顺行,
. 高炉料面的研究一直是
学术界和工业界的热点话题, 有助于高炉炼铁自动化
规律, 分析高炉内部炉料变化, 从而指导布料操作. 随
着检测技术的提高, 包括雷达、红外测距等先进技术
较为成熟的运用在高炉料面的实时检测中, 使得高炉
布料规律逐步趋于透明化. 另外, 基于先进检测手段
的高炉料面的重构有利于了解高炉内部炉料状态, 从
而用于指导下次布料生产. 考虑到高炉炉型的对称性,
; 杨天钧等用两段直线和两段曲线建立了炉
; 祝乔等用两段直线和一段曲线描
; Matsuzaki直接采用单个函数方程描述
. 上述模型均通过不同的方式对高炉
收稿日期: 2016-11-27; 录用日期: 2017-04-13.
通信作者. E-mail: zhangsen@ustb.edu.cn; Tel.: +86 15810580275.
本文责任编辑: 吴敏.
国家自然科学基金项目(61333002, 61673056, 61671054, 61673055)资助.
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61333002, 61673056, 61671054, 61673055).