"2022 CCPC网络赛:Doubt VS Lie扑克游戏题目解析"
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The 2022 China Collegiate Programming Contest - Online Contest featured a problem titled "Doubt VS Lie," which simulated a poker game. The task involved an initial setup with four players denoted by 0, 1, 2, and 3, each holding a set of 13 cards. The goal was to determine the outcome of the game based on the cards held by each player and the rules of the game.
The input and output files were specified as standard input and standard output, respectively. With a time limit of 1 second and a memory limit of 512 megabytes, participants were tasked with utilizing efficient programming techniques to solve the problem within the given constraints.
The game "Doubt VS Lie" was described as a type of poker game where each player held a set of cards, initially consisting of 13 cards each. The notation S(x) was used to represent the set of cards held by player x. The game required that the intersection of card sets between any two players be empty, ensuring that each player had a unique set of cards.
Furthermore, the problem statement emphasized that S(x) exactly represented a deck without two Jokers, indicating the specific composition of the card sets held by each player. Participants were expected to consider the constraints and rules of the game to devise a solution that accurately determined the outcome of the game based on the cards held by each player.
Overall, the problem "Doubt VS Lie" presented in the 2022 China Collegiate Programming Contest - Online Contest required participants to leverage their programming skills to analyze the card sets of each player and determine the winner of the poker game. Through this challenge, participants had the opportunity to demonstrate their problem-solving abilities and algorithmic proficiency within the context of a simulated poker game scenario.
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