Chapter4 introduces delegation, an important iOS design pattern. You will also add a text field to
In Chapter5, you will expand WorldTrotter and learn about using view controllers for managing user
interfaces. You will get practice working with views and view controllers as well as navigating between
screens using a tab bar.
In Chapter6, you will learn how to manage views and view controllers in code. You will add a
segmented control to WorldTrotter that will let you switch between various map types.
Chapter7 introduces the concepts and techniques of internationalization and localization. You will
learn about Locale, strings tables, and Bundle as you localize parts of WorldTrotter.
In Chapter8, you will learn about and add different types of animations to the Quiz project that you
created in Chapter1.
Chapter9 will walk you through some of the tools at your disposal for debugging – finding and fixing
issues in your application.
Chapter10 introduces the largest application in the book – Homepwner. (“Homepwner” is not a typo;
you can find the definition of “pwn” at This application keeps a record of your
items in case of fire or other catastrophe. Homepwner will take eight chapters to complete.
In Chapter10 – Chapter12, you will work with tables. You will learn about table views, their view
controllers, and their data sources. You will learn how to display data in a table, how to allow the user
to edit the table, and how to improve the interface.
Chapter13 introduces stack views, which will help you create complex interfaces easily. You will use a
stack view to add a new screen to Homepwner that displays an item’s details.
Chapter14 builds on the navigation experience gained in Chapter5. You will use
UINavigationController to give Homepwner a drill-down interface and a navigation bar.
Chapter15 introduces the camera. You will take pictures and display and store images in Homepwner.
In Chapter16, you will add persistence to Homepwner, using archiving to save and load the application
In Chapter17, you will learn about size classes, and you will use these to update Homepwner’s
interface to scale well across various screen sizes.
In Chapter18 and Chapter19, you will create a drawing application named TouchTracker
to learn about touch events. You will see how to add multitouch capability and how to use
UIGestureRecognizer to respond to particular gestures. You will also get experience with the first
responder and responder chain concepts and more practice using structures and dictionaries.
Chapter20 introduces web services as you create the Photorama application. This application fetches
and parses JSON data from a server using URLSession and JSONSerialization.
In Chapter21, you will learn about collection views as you build an interface for Photorama using
UICollectionView and UICollectionViewCell.
In Chapter22 and Chapter23, you will add persistence to Photorama using Core Data. You will store
and load images and associated data using an NSManagedObjectContext.
Chapter24 will walk you through making your applications accessible to more people by adding
VoiceOver information.