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"ModelSim是著名的数字逻辑设计的仿真软件,广泛用于VHDL和Verilog等硬件描述语言的设计验证。本资料主要介绍了如何在Altera环境下使用ModelSim进行仿真,包括ModelSim-Altera和ModelSim-PE/SE两个版本的设置及仿真流程。" 在Altera官网提供的资料中,ModelSim的使用主要分为针对Altera版本的ModelSim-Altera设计流程和针对PE/SE版本的ModelSim-PE/SE设计流程。下面是这两个流程的详细步骤: **ModelSim-Altera版本仿真流程** 1. **建立ModelSim-Altera工作环境**: 首先,你需要安装并配置好ModelSim-Altera软件,确保它与Altera的Quartus II软件兼容。这通常包括设置环境变量,将ModelSim的路径添加到系统路径中,以及配置Quartus II以使用ModelSim作为仿真器。 2. **用ModelSim-Altera建立工程**: 在Quartus II中创建一个新的项目,然后在项目设置中指定ModelSim作为仿真工具。导入你的VHDL或Verilog源代码,并配置所需的库和编译选项。 3. **用ModelSim-Altera执行功能仿真**: 功能仿真主要是验证设计逻辑是否正确,不考虑实际时钟速度。在ModelSim中编译设计文件,运行仿真脚本,观察波形以检查设计行为。你可以设置激励,触发器,以及观察点来检查关键信号的状态。 4. **用ModelSim-Altera执行时序仿真**: 时序仿真考虑了实际时钟周期和延迟,更接近实际硬件性能。在完成功能仿真后,通过设置约束文件进行时序仿真,以评估设计在实际时钟速率下的表现。 **ModelSim-PE/SE版本仿真流程** 1. **建立ModelSim工作环境**: 对于非Altera特定的ModelSim-PE/SE版本,同样需要配置环境变量和安装软件,但可能需要手动设置库路径和编译选项。 2. **用ModelSim-PE/SE建立工程**: 创建一个新项目,但可能需要手动配置库和编译步骤,因为没有与Altera的集成。 3. **用ModelSim-PE/SE编译库和设计文件**: 编译设计文件和必要的库,这些库可能包括预编译库,如ALTERA的功能仿真库和后适配库。 4. **用ModelSim-PE/SE执行功能仿真**: 同样地,运行仿真并查看波形以进行功能验证。 5. **用ModelSim-PE/SE执行时序仿真**: 设置适当的时序约束,然后运行时序仿真以获得更准确的性能数据。 **相关知识链接** - **MODELSIM预编译库**: 这些库是ModelSim预先编译好的,包含了一些常用IP核和Altera器件模型,能快速启动仿真过程。 - **ALTERA功能仿真库**: 用于在功能仿真阶段验证设计逻辑,提供Altera器件的逻辑模型。 - **ALTERA后适配库**: 包含了经过适配的Altera器件模型,用于时序仿真,考虑了实际设备的物理特性,如延迟和功耗。 在进行ModelSim仿真时,理解并正确使用这些库对于高效仿真至关重要。确保你的设计在功能和时序上都满足要求,是成功实现硬件设计的关键步骤。
2019-02-27 上传
Mentor, a Siemens business, has unveiled ModelSim 10.7, is unified debug and simulation environment gives today's FPGA designers advanced capabilities in a productive work environment. About Mentor Graphics ModelSim. Modelsim HDL simulator provides FPGA customers with and easy cost-effective way to speed up FPGA development, lab bring up and test. Many FPGA designers go to the lab before adequately vetting their design. This means weeks or even months of inefficient debugging time in the lab. Testing in the lab has limited visibility of the signals in design. It can take 8 hours to do a place and route just instrument additional signals or make a small bug fix. With simulation the debug loop is much faster and there is complete visibility into the signals in the design. Simulation enables a much higher quality FPGA design before entering the lab allowing time spent during lab debug much more productive and focused. In addition to supporting standard HDLs, ModelSim increases design quality and debug productivity. ModelSim’s award-winning Single Kernel Simulator (SKS) technology enables transparent mixing of VHDL and Verilog in one design. Its architecture allows platform-independent compile with the outstanding performance of native compiled code. The graphical user interface is powerful, consistent, and intuitive. All windows update automatically following activity in any other window. For example, selecting a design region in the Structure window automatically updates the Source, Signals, Process, and Variables windows. You can edit, recompile, and re-simulate without leaving the ModelSim environment. All user interface operations can be scripted and simulations can run in batch or interactive modes. ModelSim simulates behavioral, RTL, and gate-level code, including VHDL VITAL and Verilog gate libraries, with timing provided by the Standard Delay Format (SDF).