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组态软件在水处理工艺中的应用——毕业论文摘要: 随着科技的发展和社会的进步,人们对水的质量要求越来越高。因此,实现净水处理工艺的自动化以及提高自动化水平,保障供水质量成为供水行业的热点关注。本论文首先对常用的水处理方法进行了简单介绍,并重点阐述了水处理的工作原理。然后,对投矾系统和加氯系统的工艺流程进行了详细说明。 为实现系统的自动化,本设计运用组态王软件对这两个过程进行了部分模拟和监控。通过人机界面,操作人员可以对工业生产流程进行实时监控。组态王软件提供了一种高效、稳定、可靠的方案,为实现系统的自动化提供了便利。 关键词:水处理工艺流程、人机界面、组态王 Abstract: With the development of technology and society, people have higher requirements for water quality. Therefore, achieving automation in water treatment processes and improving the level of automation to ensure water supply quality has become a hot topic in the water supply industry. This thesis first introduces commonly used water treatment methods and focuses on explaining the working principles of water treatment processes. Then, it provides a detailed explanation of the process flow for the alum dosing system and chlorine dosing system. In order to achieve automation, this study utilized Kingview software to partially simulate and monitor these two processes. Through the human-machine interface, operators can monitor industrial production processes in real time. Kingview software provides an efficient, stable, and reliable solution, enabling the automation of systems. Keywords: water treatment process flow, human-machine interface, Kingview