SQL中IS NULL条件全表扫描问题解决与优化策略

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在SQL查询中,使用WHERE子句中的变量IS NULL条件可能导致全表扫描的问题。这是因为当变量被赋值为NULL时,无论它是否真的为NULL,SQL解析器通常无法确定该条件的真实含义,从而使得索引无法生效,导致性能下降。这个问题在Oracle和SQL Server中都存在,因为这些数据库管理系统在处理这类模糊的条件时会采取保守策略,以防丢失可能存在的数据。 首先,让我们回顾一下问题代码示例: ```sql SET @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM Comment with(nolock) WHERE 1=1 And (@ProjectIds Is Null or ProjectId = @ProjectIds) And (@Scores is null or Score = @Scores)' ``` 在Oracle中,由于`@ProjectIds` 和 `@Scores` 可能为NULL,这使得WHERE子句变得不确定,即使我们知道它们通常会有值,数据库也会认为可能有NULL的情况,因此不利用索引来加速查询。 针对这个问题,可以通过以下方式优化SQL查询: 1. **避免使用变量**:尽可能地提前决定条件,而不是依赖于用户输入的变量。例如,可以将变量的默认值作为查询的一部分,或者明确指定变量的非NULL状态。 2. **使用CASE语句**:如果变量的值总是非NULL,可以使用CASE语句来替换IS NULL检查,这样可以确保条件更明确,利于索引的使用。 3. **使用逻辑运算符**:比如,`@i IS NOT NULL`代替`@i IS NULL`,这样可以直接与age字段进行比较,利用索引。 4. **动态构建SQL**:在某些情况下,如上述示例中的最后建议,可以动态构造SQL语句,只在变量非NULL时添加WHERE子句,这样可以避免全表扫描。示例代码如下: ```sql DECLARE @i INT; SET @i = 100 DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @sql = 'SELECT * FROM aaa' IF @i IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @sql += ' WHERE age = ' + CAST(@i AS VARCHAR) END EXEC sp_executesql @sql ``` 通过这些方法,可以提高查询效率,确保在SQL Server中使用变量IS NULL条件时充分利用索引,减少全表扫描的发生。

select a.InsuredAddressCountry, a.insuredaddressstate, a.insuredaddresscity, a.insuredaddressdistrict, a.policyno, c.countrycode as 国家, c.regioncode as 省, c.area as 市, c.clientdistrict 区县, a.endorseqno, a.insuredcode, a.insuredtype from guPolicyCopyRelatedParty a, GSClientCorporate c where (((a.insuredaddresscity is not null and a.insuredaddressstate is not null and (select b.upperareacode from ggcountry b where b.countrycode = a.insuredaddresscity and b.arealevel = '3' and b.upperareacode = a.insuredaddressstate) is null) or (a.insuredaddressstate is not null and a.insuredaddresscountry is not null and (select b.upperareacode from ggcountry b where b.countrycode = a.insuredaddressstate and b.arealevel = '2' and b.upperareacode = a.insuredaddresscountry) is null) or (a.insuredaddressdistrict is not null and a.insuredaddresscity is not null and (select b.upperareacode from ggcountry b where b.arealevel = '4' and b.countrycode = a.insuredaddressdistrict and b.upperareacode = a.insuredaddresscity) is null)) or (a.insuredaddresscountry is null and (a.insuredaddressstate is not null or a.insuredaddresscity is not null or a.insuredaddressdistrict is not null)) or (a.insuredaddresscity is not null and a.insuredaddressstate is null) or (a.insuredaddressdistrict is not null and (a.insuredaddressstate is null or a.insuredaddresscity is null))) and a.insuredtype in ('2', '4') and a.insuredcode = c.clientcode order by a.insuredaddresscountry,a.insuredaddressstate,a.insuredaddresscity,a.insuredaddressdistrict; 此sql如何根据where后的条件进行判断给自定义的返回结果赋值

2023-06-10 上传