Effects of well widths and well numbers on InP-based triangular
quantum well lasers beyond 2.4 mm
Y. Gu, Y.G. Zhang
, X.Y. Chen, Y.Y. Cao, L. Zhou, S.P. Xi, A.Z. Li, Hsby. Li
State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Shanghai 200050, China
article info
Available online 6 March 2015
A3. Molecular beam epitaxy
B1. Arsenates
B2. Semiconducting III–V materials
B3. Laser diodes
The effects of well widths and well numbers of InGaAs triangular quantum well lasers in 2.30–2.44 μm
range using antimony-free material system on InP substrates are investigated. The triangular quantum
well was equivalently formed by using gas source molecular beam epitaxy grown InAs/In
digital alloy and the pseudomorphic growth was confi rmed by the X-ray diffraction measurements.
Lasing at 2.30 μm above 330 K under continuous wave operation has been achieved for the laser with
four 13 nm quantum wells. By increasing the well width to 19 nm, the continuous wave wavelength has
been extended to 2.44 μm at 290 K, whereas the epitaxial quality and laser performances are
deteriorated. For those lasers with well width up to 19 nm, the moderate reduction of the quantum
well numbers can restrict the strain accumulation and improve the laser performances. Continuous wave
lasing at 2.38 μm above 300 K has been achieved.
& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Semiconductor laser diodes emitting in 2–2.5 mm wavelength
range are very attractive for free space communications and light
detection and ranging (LIDAR) due to the low absorption by
atmospheric water molecules in this range [1]. Such devices are
also of great interests in atmospheric pollution monitoring and
medical diagnostics by tunable diode laser absorption spectro-
scopy (TDLAS) gas sensing [2]. Furthermore, it is also desired for
the characterization and evaluation of photodetectors and focal
plane arrays operating in this wavelength range, because wave-
length match is very important to determine their actual features
[3]. Compressively strained type-I InGaAs quantum well (QW)
lasers on InP substrate offer an attractive alternative to traditional
GaSb-based structures for semiconductor lasers in this wavelength
range. The emission wavelength can be tailored by the indium
composition and well width of InGaAs QWs, and the main obstacle
is how to control the significant strain and keep good structural
quality in the QWs when increasing the indium contents [4,5].To
improve the material quality, several methods have been applied,
such as growing the QWs at a relatively low temperature [6],
applying a relatively high growth rate [7], and using surfactant [8].
By using 5 nm thick pure InAs in the QWs, lasers extended to
2.33 μm have been demonstrated under continuous wave (CW)
operation at room temperature (RT) [9,10]. On the other hand, the
use of triangular QW instead of rectangular one can increase the
lasing wavelength while keeping the same strain extent [11,12].
The triangular QW can be grown by digital alloy technology, which
is very effective to restrain the formation of three dimensional
growth in the strained QW thus improve the laser performances
[13,14]. By this approach, the InAs/InGaAs triangular QW lasers on
InP substrate with wavelength up to 2.4 mm have been reported
recently [15]. To control the strain in the QW, the QW structures,
especially the well widths and numbers, play a very crucial role.
In this work, InAs/InGaAs triangular QW lasers with different
well widths and well numbers were demonstrated and investi-
gated in detail. The well widths were changed to tailor the
wavelength, and the well numbers were adjusted to optimize
the laser performances.
2. Experiments
The epitaxial laser wafers were all grown on n-type (0 01)-
oriented InP epi-ready substrates in a VG Semicon V80H gas
source molecular beam epitaxy (GSMBE) system. The elemental
indium, gallium and aluminum were used as group III sources,
while As
and P
cracked from Arsine and phosphine were used as
group V sources. The InP substrates were at first heated to about
500 1C measured by thermocouple under P
flux to carry out the
surface oxide desorption and then reduced to 440 1C for growth.
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Journal of Crystal Growth
0022-0248/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 86 21 62511070; fax: þ 86 21 52419931.
E-mail address: ygzhang@mail.sim.ac.cn (Y.G. Zhang).
Journal of Crystal Growth 425 (2015) 376–380