Sparsity-aware, channel order-blind pilot
placement with channel estimation in
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
ISSN 1751-8628
Received on 2nd September 2014
Accepted on 15th January 2015
doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2014.0857
Xiaoqing Peng
, Weimin Wu
, Jun Sun
, Yingzhuang Liu
, Frank Yong Li
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074,
People’s Republic of China
Department of Information and Communication Technology, University of Agder, Grimstad 4898, Norway
✉ E-mail: wuwm@hust.edu.cn
Abstract: Equispaced pilot arrangement is the most popular scheme for pilot-aided transmission in orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing systems. In this study, the authors argue that a non-equispaced pilot pattern may outperform its equispaced
counterpart, if they fully take into account the sparsity of the channel impulse response which is inherent in wireless channels.
More specifically, a sparsity-aware pilot arrangement scheme based on the coherence criterion is investigated in this study. To
address the resulting non-deterministic polynomial (NP)-hard combinatorial optimisation problem, they propose an efficient
local search algorithm. For channel estimation, they convert it to a sparse recovery problem. To enhance the applicability of
the authors scheme, that is, when there is no prior knowledge about the channel order, they propose to employ the Bayesian
information criterion to estimate the channel order first and then recover the sparse channel vector via existing low-complexity
methods, for example, orthogonal matching pursuit. By combining the above pilot arrangement scheme with channel
estimation, their scheme exhibits substantially better performance in comparison with the conventional equispaced schemes
with linear (or spline) interpolation, in terms of total number of pilot symbols and bit error rate.
1 Introduction
Channel estimation is an essential technique in orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. In spite of being a
well-explored topic in the literature, what is the fundamental
performance of channel estimation and how to achieve it are still
unclear to date. It is commonly understood that the best pilot
pattern should be equispaced for pilot assisted channel estimation
and this statement has actually been adopted by many international
standards, such as 802.11, LTE etc. However, we observe that such
pilot placement is sensitive to the structure of channel impulse
response (CIR). Essentially, the equispaced pilot placement is just a
realisation of the well-known equispaced (or periodic) sampling
framework pioneered by Shannon and Nyquist. Therefore, to
ensure acceptable channel estimation accuracy, the minimum
number of pilots is required to be of the order of maximum delay
spread (i.e. the inverse of the coherence bandwidth). However, if
we take into account the sparsity of the CIR vector which is quite
common in wideband wireless systems, it might be possible to
assign pilots whose total number is just of the order of the sparsity
of the CIR vector. This fact has been predicted by the compressive
sensing (CS) theory [1–4] since this number is usually smaller than
the maximum delay spread of the CIR vector. Therefore, the
sparsity-aware pilot arrangement with channel estimation is of great
significance in order to save pilot overhead and improve system
performance in comparison with the conventional equispaced pilot
arrangement with linear (or spline) interpolation of channel
estimation. As an effort to analyse and approach the fundamental
performance of channel estimation in OFDM systems, this paper
proposes a sparsity-aware channel order-blind pilot placement
scheme with channel estimation and investigates its performance.
1.1 Pilot placement
The optimal assignment of pilots in OFDM systems has received so
far little attention in the literature. One of the few studies within this
topic is [5]. It studied the multiple-input–multiple-output
(MIMO)-OFDM system and reached a conclusion that
equipowered, equispaced and phase-shift-orthogonal pilot
sequences are optimal in terms of mean square error (MSE), by
assuming that ‘linear’ channel estimation is employed. Therefore
their criterion is not applicable to the sparsity-based channel
estimation, which requires in essence a ‘non-linear’ method. Other
related work on pilot placement can be found in [6–11]. A discrete
Fourier transform (DFT) sub-matrix deterministically constructed
via the additive character sequences was considered in [6].
However, this method is based on the cases where the size of DFT
is an integer power of an odd prime. In [7, 8], an algorithm using
modified discrete stochastic approximation (DSA) was proposed to
arrange the pilot. However, it does not fully exploit the fact that
both the length of the cyclic prefix (CP) and the size of DFT are an
integer power of two in realistic OFDM systems. Furthermore, pilot
allocation for MIMO-OFDM systems was also studied in [10, 11].
For CS-based channel estimation, the pilot placement problem
boils down to a problem of optimally selecting rows from a DFT
matrix which plays the role of the measurement matrix in the CS
terminology (this point will be explained in Section 2).
Unfortunately, the optimal row selection is a tedious task because
of the combinatorial nature of the problem. Therefore, we resort to
the suboptimal sparse recovery methods and introduce a succinct
index which is critical for row selection.
1.2 Sparsity-based channel estimation
Sparse recovery is a central procedure for sparsity-based channel
estimation. In fact, if we could recover precisely the sparse
time-domain CIR, the frequency-domain CIR could be easily
obtained. Broadly speaking, the existing sparse recovery
algorithms could be categorised into two classes: one class is the
convex optimisation method (say, ℓ
optimisation method) [12,
13] and the other one is the greedy pursuit method [14–18].
Although the convex optimisation method could provide better
IET Communications
Research Article
IET Commun., 2015, Vol. 9, Iss. 9, pp. 1182–1190
The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015