Stochastic Optimization Assisted Joint Channel Estimation and Multi-User Detection for
Jiankang Zhang
, Sheng Chen
, Xiaomin Mu
, Lajos Hanzo
† School of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China,
∗ School of ECS, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom.
Tel: +44-23-8059 3125, Fax: +44-23-8059 4508, http://www-mobile.ecs.soton.ac.uk
Email: jz09v@ecs.soton.ac.uk, sqc@ecs.soton.ac.uk, iexmmu@zzu.edu.cn, lh@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Abstract— Stochastic optimization assisted joint Channel Estimation
(CE) and Multi-User Detection (MUD) were conceived and compared
in the context of multi-user Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)
aided Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing/Space Division Mul-
tiple Access (OFDM/SDMA) systems. The development of stochastic
optimization algorithms, such as Genetic Algorithms (GA), Repeated
Weighted Boosting Search (RWBS), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
and Differential Evolution (DE) has stimulated wide interests in the
signal processing and communication research community. However,
the quantitative performance versus complexity comparison of GA,
RWBS, PSO and DE techniques applied to joint CE and MUD is a
challenging open issue at the time of writing, which has to consider
both the continuous-valued CE optimization problem and the discrete-
valued MUD optimization problem. In this study we fill this gap in
the open literature. Our simulation results demonstrated that stochastic
optimization assisted joint CE and MUD is capable of approaching
both the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) and the Bit Error Ratio
(BER) performance of the optimal ML-MUD, respectively, despite the
fact that its computational complexity is only a fraction of the optimal
ML complexity.
Index Terms— Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM),
space division multiple access (SDMA), channel estimation, multiuser
detection, stochastic optimization algorithm.
In recent years, multiple antennas have been employed both at the
transmitter and/or the receiver for achieving various design goals [1],
such as maximizing the attainable multiplexing gain, maximizing the
number of users supported or maximizing the achievable diversity
gain. As one of the most wide-spread multiple antenna aided sys-
tems, Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing/Spatial Division
Multiple Access (OFDM/SDMA) [2] exploits the advantages of both
OFDM and SDMA, which increase the attainable spectral efficiency
by sharing the same bandwidth and time slots by several users
roaming in different geographical locations, which are differentiated
by their unique, user-specific ’spatial signature’, i.e. by their Channel
Impulse Responses (CIRs).
More specifically, the transmitted signals of U simultaneous single-
antenna aided UpLink (UL) Mobile Stations (MSs) are received
by an array of antennas at the Base Station (BS), where Multi-
User Detection (MUD) techniques are invoked for separating the
signals of the different MSs with the aid of their unique, user-specific
’spatial signature’, i.e. CIRs. Naturally, for near-single-user MUD
the CIRs have to be accurately estimated [1, 3]. Intensive research
efforts have been devoted to developing efficient approaches for
Channel Estimation (CE) in multi-user OFDM/SDMA systems [1,
4–6]. In order to achieve a near-optimal performance, joint CE and
signal detection schemes have recently received significant research
attention [7–9]. The optimal solutions of CE and/or MUD, namely
Maximum-likelihood (ML) CE and ML-MUD, are naturally desired.
However, we have to settle for suboptimal solutions due to the
excessive computational complexity of the optimal ML solutions,
Acknowledgments: The financial support of the EPSRC under the auspices
of the China-UK Science Bridge as well as of the RC-UK under the India-UK
Advanced Technology centre initiative is gratefully acknowledged.
especially for a high number of users/antennas relying on Quadrature
Amplitude Modulation (QAM).
Fortunately, stochastic optimization algorithms are capable of find-
ing the globally optimal solution with a high probability at a fraction
of the optimal ML MUD’s complexity, even for problems associated
with a non-smooth Cost Function (CF) exhibiting multiple local
optima. The most popular algorithms
include Genetic Algorithms
(GA) [12], Repeated Weighted Boosting Search (RWBS) [13], Parti-
cle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [14] and Differential Evolution (DE)
[15]. More specifically, significant advances have been made in the
development of these stochastic optimization algorithms, including
single-user joint channel and data estimation [13, 16], CE and/or
MUD in the multi-user Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
UpLink (UL) [17–20], in the SDMA aided OFDM UL [1, 7, 9], in
MUD assisted Space-Time Block Coding (STBC) [21, 22], in CE for
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems [23], in the Multi-
User Transmission (MUT) aided DownLink (DL) [24, 25], in channel
allocation [26, 27] as well as in a diverse range of other applications.
In general, the optimization problems in communications may be
classified as: continuous and discrete optimization problems. For
example, the CIRs to be estimated are continuous-valued, while the
transmitted signals are discrete. To the best of our knowledge, no
performance versus complexity comparisons of GA, RWBS, PSO and
DE techniques applied to joint CE and MUD have been presented in
the open literature.
Against this background, our new contribution is that we provide a
performance versus complexity comparison of stochastic optimization
algorithms in the context of joint CE and MUD in ODFM/SDMA sys-
tems. More specifically, continuous stochastic optimization algorithms
will be employed for CE, relying on Continuous GA assisted CE
(CGA-CE), Continuous RWBS assisted CE (CRWBS-CE), Continuous
PSO assisted CE (CPSO-CE) and Continuous DE assisted CE (CDE-
CE). By contrast, the discrete binary version of the corresponding
stochastic optimization algorithms will be employed for MUD, in-
voking Discrete Binary GA assisted MUD (DBGA-MUD), Discrete
Binary RWBS assisted MUD (DBRWBS-MUD), Discrete Binary PSO
assisted MUD (DBPSO-MUD) and Discrete Binary DE assisted ML-
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The system model of
the multi-user OFDM/SDMA UL is described in Section II. Section
III is devoted to the optimization problems of joint CE and MUD
in the OFDM/SDMA systems considered. In Section IV, we will
briefly characterize the proposed stochastic optimization algorithms.
Our simulation results and discussions are presented in Section V,
while our conclusions are offered in Section VI.
In the OFDM/SDMA UL systems, U simultaneous users are
equipped with a single transmission antenna, while the BS employs
There are numerous other stochastic optimization algorithms, such as the
Ant Colony [10] and other evolutionary algorithms [11], but given our limited
space, we concentrate on the above four algorithms in this paper.
978-1-4673-1881-5/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE