Computer Vision on Mars
mission and supporting technology development. Demo
III, RCTA, and PerceptOR addressed off-road navigation
in more complex terrain and, to some degree, day/night,
all-weather, and all-season operation. A Demo III follow-
on activity, PerceptOR, and LAGR also involved system-
atic, quantitative field testing. For results of DemoIII,
RCTA, and PerceptOR, see (Shoemaker and Bornstein,
2000; Technology Development for Army Unmanned
Ground Vehicles, 2002; Bornstein and Shoemaker, 2003;
Bodt and Camden, 2004; Krotkov et al., 2007) and refer-
ences therein. LAGR focused on applying learning meth-
ods to autonomous navigation. The DARPA Grand Chal-
lenge (DGC), though not a government-funded research
program, stressed high speed and reliability over a con-
strained, 131 mile long, desert course. Both LAGR and
DGC are too recent for citations to be available here. We
review MER in the next section.
With rover navigation reaching a significant level of
maturity, the problems of autonomous safe and precise
landing in planetary missions are rising in priority. Fea-
ture tracking with a downlooking camera during descent
can contribute to terrain-relative velocity estimation and
to landing hazard detection via structure from motion
(SFM) and related algorithms. Robotic helicopters have
a role to play in developing and demonstrating such ca-
pabilities. Kanade has made many contributions to struc-
ture from motion, notably the thread of factorization-
based algorithms initiated with Tomasi and Kanade
(1992). He also created one of the largest robotic heli-
copter research efforts in the world (Amidi et al., 1998),
which has addressed issues including visual odometry
(Amidi et al., 1999), mapping (Miller and Amidi, 1998;
Kanade et al., 2004), and system identification modeling
(Mettler et al., 2001). For safe and precise landing re-
search per se, JPL began developing a robotic helicopter
testbed in the late 1990s that ultimately integrated inertial
navigation, SFM, and a laser altimeter to resolve scale in
SFM. This achieved the first fully autonomous landing
hazard avoidance demonstration using SFM in Septem-
ber of 2003 (Johnson et al., 2005a,b; Montgomery et al.,
to appear).
Finally, Kanade guided in early work in the area that
became known as physics-based vision (Klinker et al.,
1990; Nayar et al., 1991; Kanade and Ikeuchi, 1991),
which exploits models of the physics of reflection to
achieve deeper image understanding in a variety of ways.
This outlook is reflected in our later work that exploits
physical models from remote sensing to improve outdoor
scene interpretation for autonomous navigation, includ-
ing terrain classification with multispectral visible/near-
infrared imagery (Matthieset al., 1996), negative obstacle
detection with thermal imagery (Matthies and Rankin,
2003), detection of water bodies, snow, and ice by ex-
ploiting reflection, thermal emission, and ladar propaga-
tion characteristics (Matthies et al., 2003), and modeling
the opposition effect to avoid false feature tracking in
Mars descent imagery (Cheng et al., 2005).
3. Computer Vision in the MER Mission
The MER mission landed two identical rovers, Spirit and
Opportunity, on Mars in January of 2004 to search for
geological clues to whether parts of Mars formerly had
environments wet enough to be hospitable to life. Spirit
landed in the 160 km diameter Gusev Crater, which in-
tersects the end of one of the largest branching valleys on
Mars (Ma’adim Vallis) and was thought to have possi-
bly held an ancient lake. Opportunity landed in a smooth
plain called Meridiani Planum, halfway around the planet
from Gusev Crater. This site was targeted because orbital
remote sensing showed that it is rich in a mineral called
gray hematite, which on Earth is often, but not always,
formed in association with liquid water. Scientific results
from the mission have confirmed the presence of water
at both sites, and the existence of water-derived alter-
ation of the rocks at both sites, but evidence has not been
discovered yet for large lakes (Squyres and Knoll, 2005).
Details of the rover and lander design, mission op-
eration procedures, and the individual computer vision
algorithms used in the mission are covered in separate
papers. In this section, we give a brief overview of the
pertinent aspects of the rover and lander hardware, briefly
review the vision algorithms, and show experimental re-
sults illustrating qualitative behavior of the algorithms in
operation on Mars. Section 4 addresses more quantita-
tive performance evaluation issues and work in progress
to improve performance.
3.1. Overview of the MER Spacecraft and Rover
Figure 2 shows a photo of one of the MER rovers in a
JPL clean room, together with the flight spare copy of the
Sojourner rover from the 1997 Mars Pathfinder mission
for comparison. The MER rovers weigh about 174 kg, are
1.6 m long, have a wheelbase of 1.1 m, and are 1.5 m tall
to the top of the camera mast. Locomotion is achieved
with a rocker bogie system very similar to Sojourner,
with six driven wheels that are all kept in contact with
the ground by passive pivot joints in the rocker bogey
suspension. The outer four wheels are steerable.
The rovers are solar powered, with a rechargeable
lithium ion battery for nighttime science and commu-
nication operations. The onboard computer is a 20 MHz
RAD6000, which has an early PowerPC instruction set,
with no floating point, a very small L1 cache, no L2
cache, 128 MB of RAM, and 256 MB flash memory.
Navigation is done with three sets of stereo camera pairs:
one pair of “hazcams” (hazard cameras) looking forward