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"C++并发编程在行动"是一本针对C++11标准下并发和多线程编程的实用指南,由Anthony Williams撰写。这本书专为那些希望深入理解C++多线程开发的专业人士设计,包括开发者、测试人员,甚至对使用第三方线程库感兴趣的读者。它涵盖了从基础概念如std::thread、std::mutex、std::future和std::async等类的运用,到高级主题,如内存模型、原子操作、基于锁和无锁数据结构的设计,再到并行算法和线程管理的最佳实践。 本书的核心内容分为多个章节: 1. 欢迎来到C++并发世界:引导读者进入并发编程的世界,介绍C++11对多线程的支持。 2. 线程管理:讲解如何创建、销毁和控制线程的基本操作。 3. 线程间共享数据:讨论线程安全的数据访问和同步机制。 4. 同步并发操作:介绍同步原语如互斥锁、条件变量等,以及它们在并发环境中的作用。 5. C++内存模型与原子类型操作:阐述内存模型对于并发程序正确性的关键性,并介绍原子操作的重要性。 6. 基于锁的并发数据结构:教授如何使用锁来保护共享资源,确保数据一致性。 7. 无锁并发数据结构:探索无锁编程的技术,降低锁竞争带来的性能开销。 8. 并发代码设计:探讨如何设计高效的并发算法和程序架构。 9. 高级线程管理:深入研究更复杂的线程调度、死锁检测等问题及其解决方案。 10. 多线程程序的测试和调试:强调了测试和调试在多线程程序中的重要性,提供实用的调试策略。 此外,附录部分提供了C++11语言特性的简要介绍,有助于读者更好地理解和利用这些新特性。还有对C++11线程库的详细参考,以及与其他并发库的对比分析。书中实例丰富,从简单的示例开始,逐步过渡到复杂的实战场景,帮助读者通过实践提升技能。 这是一本既适合初学者入门,又满足资深开发者进阶需求的C++并发编程指南,旨在帮助读者编写出健壮、高效且易于维护的多线程程序。随着多核处理器的普及,掌握C++并发编程变得愈发重要,本书无疑是个理想的资源。
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I encountered the concept of multithreaded code while working at my first job after I left college. We were writing a data processing application that had to populate a database with incoming data records. There was a lot of data, but each record was independent and required a reasonable amount of processing before it could be inserted into the database. To take full advantage of the power of our 10-CPU UltraSPARC, we ran the code in multiple threads, each thread processing its own set of incoming records. We wrote the code in C++, using POSIX threads, and made a fair number of mistakes—multithreading was new to all of us—but we got there in the end. It was also while working on this project that I first became aware of the C++ Standards Committee and the freshly published C++ Standard. I have had a keen interest in multithreading and concurrency ever since. Where others saw it as difficult, complex, and a source of problems, I saw it as a powerful tool that could enable your code to take advantage of the available hardware to run faster. Later on I would learn how it could be used to improve the responsiveness and performance of applications even on single-core hardware, by using multiple threads to hide the latency of time-consuming operations such as I/O. I also learned how it worked at the OS level and how Intel CPUs handled task switching. Meanwhile, my interest in C++ brought me in contact with the ACCU and then the C++ Standards panel at BSI, as well as Boost. I followed the initial development of the Boost Thread Library with interest, and when it was abandoned by the original developer, I jumped at the chance to get involved. I have been the primary developer and maintainer of the Boost Thread Library ever since.