Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and
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use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties
which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or
otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.
12-Bit D/A Converter
The AD767 is a complete voltage output 12-bit digital-to-
analog converter including a high stability buried Zener
reference and input latch on a single chip. The converter uses
12 precision high-speed bipolar current steering switches and a
laser-trimmed thin-film resistor network to provide high accuracy.
Microprocessor compatibility is achieved by the on-chip latch.
The design of the input latch allows direct interface to 12-bit
buses. The latch responds to strobe pulses as short as 40 ns,
allowing use with the fastest available microprocessors.
The functional completeness and high performance of the
AD767 result from a combination of advanced switch design,
high-speed bipolar manufacturing process, and the proven laser
wafer-trimming (LWT) technology.
The subsurface (buried) Zener diode on the chip provides a
low-noise voltage reference which has long-term stability and
temperature drift characteristics comparable to the best discrete
reference diodes. The laser trimming process which provides the
excellent linearity is also used to trim the absolute value of the
reference as well as its temperature coefficient. The AD767 is
thus well suited for wide temperature range performance with
±1/2 LSB maximum linearity error and guaranteed monotonicity
over the full temperature range. Typical full-scale gain T.C. is
5 ppm/°C.
*Protected by Patent Numbers 3,803,590; 3,890,611; 3,932,863; 3,978,473;
4,020,486; and others pending.
Complete 12-Bit D/A Function
On-Chip Output Amplifier
High Stability Buried Zener Reference
Fast 40 ns Write Pulse
0.3" Skinny DIP and PLCC Packages
Single Chip Construction
Monotonicity Guaranteed Over Temperature
Settling Time: 3 ms max to 1/2 LSB
Guaranteed for Operation with 612 V or 615 V Supplies
TTL/5 V CMOS Compatible Logic Inputs
MIL-STD-883 Compliant Versions Available
1. The AD767 is a complete voltage output DAC with voltage
reference and digital latches on a single IC chip.
2. The input latch responds to write pulse widths as short as
40 ns assuring direct interface with the industry’s fastest
3. The internal buried Zener reference is laser-trimmed to
10.00 volts with a ±1% maximum error. The reference
voltage is also available for external application.
4. The gain setting and bipolar offset resistors are matched to
the internal ladder network to guarantee a low gain temperature
coefficient and are laser trimmed for minimum full-scale and
bipolar offset errors.
5. The precision high-speed current steering switches and
on-board high-speed output amplifier settle within 1/2 LSB
for a 10 V full-scale transition in 3.0 µs when properly
6. The AD767 is available in versions compliant with
MIL-STD-883. Refer to the Analog Devices Military
Products Databook or current AD767/883B data sheet for
detailed specifications.
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 617/329-4700 Fax: 617/326-8703