
需积分: 0 0 下载量 110 浏览量 更新于2023-12-29 收藏 1.54MB DOCX 举报
ical sales industry is in a period of rapid development. The rapid development of the industry will inevitably lead to increased competition. Faced with the increasingly harsh reality of pharmaceutical sales industry competition, strengthening management, improving work efficiency, and improving service quality have become urgent problems to be solved. One of the key measures to solve these problems is to use modern information technology such as computers to establish a practical, advanced, and efficient pharmacy sales management system, introduce innovative management mechanisms, and realize comprehensive information management of the pharmaceutical sales process to adapt to the new situation of enterprise survival and development. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a Baokang Pharmacy sales management system. According to the requirements, it is determined that the system adopts JSP technology, SSM framework, JAVA as the programming language, and MySQL as the database. The entire system should be easy to operate, easy to maintain, and flexible and practical. It mainly implements functions such as channel maintenance, news maintenance, drug maintenance, order maintenance, and system management. Keywords: Baokang Pharmacy Sales Management System; JSP; MYSQL 本文以"基于ssm的宝康药房销售管理系统源码数据库论文.docx"为基础,通过对药品销售行业发展现状的分析,提出了开发药房销售管理系统的必要性。并针对系统开发的需求和技术选择做了详细的说明,包括系统采用JSP技术、SSM框架、JAVA作为编程语言,MySQL作为数据库等。在系统功能方面,主要实现了频道维护、新闻维护、药品维护、订单维护、系统管理等功能。总的来说,本文通过对药品销售行业的分析和对系统开发的需求,揭示了开发宝康药房销售管理系统的必要性和可行性,并对系统的具体技术和功能进行了详细的阐述和说明。
2023-06-22 上传