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设计工程在软件工程中扮演着重要的角色,其核心在于解决软件设计中的问题,即如何将软件需求转化为可执行的软件系统。沈备军教授在其教材中强调了软件设计工程的重要性,指出其是解决“怎么做”的问题的关键。在软件设计工程中,抽象是一项基本策略,通过对软件进行抽象和分解,实现对软件复杂性的控制。软件设计的原则包括模块化设计,软件设计的步骤和方法,以及软件架构设计。抽象在软件开发过程中起着关键作用,通过不断地对软件进行抽象层次的梳理,实现软件设计的目标。设计工程涉及的主要内容包括如何改变我们的视角,如何选择正确的方法,以及如何正确地执行设计任务。设计工程的目的是通过合理的设计,满足用户的需求,同时实现软件系统的高效运行。在这一过程中,抽象作为一种重要的设计方式,将有助于降低软件开发过程中的复杂性,提高软件的质量和可维护性。Design engineering plays an important role in software engineering, with its core in solving the problems in software design, namely how to transform software requirements into executable software systems. Professor Shen Beijun emphasizes the importance of software design engineering in his textbook, stating that it is the key to solving the "how to do it" problem. In software design engineering, abstraction is a basic strategy to control the complexity of software by abstracting and decomposing software. The principles of software design include modular design, the steps and methods of software design, and software architecture design. Abstraction plays a key role in the software development process. By continually refining the abstraction levels of software, the goals of software design are achieved. Design engineering involves main contents such as how to change our perspective, how to select the correct methods, and how to execute design tasks correctly. The aim of design engineering is to meet users' needs and achieve efficient operation of software systems through rational design. In this process, abstraction, as an important design method, helps to reduce the complexity in software development, thereby improving software quality and maintainability.