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"Mastering Object-oriented Python.pdf - 一本关于深入理解Python面向对象编程的书籍,由Steven F. Lott撰写,旨在帮助读者高效构建强大的现实世界应用。" 本书《精通面向对象的Python》深入探讨了Python语言中的面向对象编程(OOP)概念,这对于任何希望在Python中开发复杂和可扩展应用程序的人来说都是必不可少的资源。作者Steven F. Lott通过本书向读者传授了如何巧妙地运用这些概念来构建高效且实用的应用程序。 首先,书中会介绍面向对象编程的基础,包括类与对象的概念、封装、继承和多态性等核心原则。这些是理解Python OOP的关键,它们允许开发者将数据和操作数据的方法组织在一起,创建可重用和模块化的代码。 接着,书中会详细讲解如何设计和实现复杂的类结构,以及如何利用Python的特殊方法(如`__init__`、`__str__`等)来定制类的行为。此外,还可能涉及装饰器、上下文管理器等高级主题,这些都是Python OOP中的重要工具。 在实际应用部分,作者可能会展示如何使用面向对象编程来解决实际问题,例如创建数据模型、设计框架或构建面向服务的架构。读者将学习到如何有效地使用模块和包来组织代码,以及如何进行单元测试和集成测试,以确保代码的质量和稳定性。 书中还将涵盖异常处理、错误调试和性能优化,这些都是在编写面向对象Python程序时不可或缺的知识。同时,作者可能还会讨论Python的最新特性,如类型注解和新的类设计模式,这些都让Python在现代软件开发中的应用更为广泛和强大。 最后,书中的例子和练习将帮助读者巩固理论知识,提升在实际项目中的应用能力。虽然面向对象编程不是Python独有的,但Python的简洁语法和强大的OOP支持使得它成为学习和实践这一编程范式的理想选择。 《精通面向对象的Python》是一本全面而深入的指南,无论你是Python新手还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中受益,提升自己在面向对象编程领域的技能。通过本书的学习,读者将能够更加熟练地运用Python来构建高效、可维护的大型软件系统。
2014-07-29 上传
python 的面向对象教程。 This book will introduce you to more advanced features of the Python programming language. The focus is on creating the highest quality Python programs possible. This often means creating programs that have the highest performance or are the most maintainable. This means exploring design alternatives and determining which design offers the best performance while still being a good fit with the problem that is being solved. Most of the book will look at a number of alternatives for a given design. Some will have better performance. Some will seem simpler or be a better solution for the problem domain. It's essential to locate the best algorithms and optimal data structures to create the most value with the least computer processing. Time is money, and programs that save time will create more value for their users. Python makes a number of internal features directly available to our application programs. This means that our programs can be very tightly integrated with existing Python features. We can leverage numerous Python features by ensuring that our OO designs integrate well. We'll often focus on a specific problem and examine several variant solutions to the problem. As we look at different algorithms and data structures, we'll see different memory and performance alternatives. It's an important OO design skill to work through alternate solutions in order to properly optimize the final application. One of the more important themes of this book is that there's no single best approach to any problem. There are a number of alternative approaches with different attributes.