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Chapter 5 introduces sets and dictionaries, two important data structures in computer science. Sets are collections of unique elements, while dictionaries are collections of key-value pairs. In this chapter, we learn about how sets and dictionaries are implemented using hash tables, which allow for fast lookup and insertion operations. Hash tables use a hash function to map keys to specific locations in the data structure, making it easy to find and retrieve values based on their corresponding keys. One important concept covered in this chapter is the disjoint set data structure, which is used to represent sets of elements that are disjoint from each other. Disjoint sets can be used to solve a variety of problems, such as finding connected components in a graph or calculating the equivalence classes of a set of elements. Overall, Chapter 5 provides a comprehensive overview of sets and dictionaries in computer science, highlighting their importance and practical applications in various algorithms and data processing tasks. By understanding the underlying principles of hash tables and disjoint sets, readers can gain a deeper insight into how these data structures work and how they can be utilized to solve complex problems efficiently.