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《建筑英语(第二版)》参考答案包含了多个单元的内容,旨在帮助学习者提高在建筑领域的专业英语沟通能力。首先,单元一"Introduction"以"Lesson1: What is Construction"开启,通过"Look and Learn"部分,学习者可以识别并理解建筑的基本形状,如三角形、矩形、金字塔、圆柱、圆形、方形和立方体等。对话部分涉及日常寒暄,如问候和介绍,旨在增强语言交流技巧。 接下来的"Lesson2: Different Types of Architecture"探讨了各种建筑类型,包括民用建筑(如住宅楼和体育场)、农业建筑(如鸡舍和温室)、工业建筑(如工厂)以及特殊建筑(如电视塔)。对话练习鼓励学生以对话语境运用所学词汇和表达方式,区分不同类型的建筑及其功能。阅读部分介绍了具体的实例,如中国的金字塔(实际是中国的新央视大楼),意大利的斗兽场,以及各种建筑的功能分类。 进入"Lesson3: Basic Building Elements",这一单元聚焦于基础建筑构件的学习。"Look and Learn"展示了可能的学术场景,如出国深造和选择留学目的地(如普林斯顿大学)。对话环节涉及到告别、离开、保持联系和对他人的感谢等日常交流内容。这部分内容对于理解建筑设计中的基本元素和工程术语至关重要。 《建筑英语(第二版)》参考答案覆盖了从建筑基础概念到具体设计元素的广泛内容,不仅锻炼了学生的听力理解、口语表达和阅读理解能力,还帮助他们掌握了与建筑行业相关的专业词汇和沟通技巧。通过这个全面的学习资源,学习者能够提升在国际交流中讨论和分析建筑设计项目的能力。

Q21: Which of the following is a valid user-defined output stream manipulator header? a. ostream& tab( ostream& output ) b. ostream tab( ostream output ) c. istream& tab( istream output ) d. void tab( ostream& output ) Q22: What will be output by the following statement? cout << showpoint << setprecision(4) << 11.0 << endl; a. 11 b. 11.0 c. 11.00 d. 11.000 Q23: Which of the following stream manipulators causes an outputted number’s sign to be left justified, its magnitude to be right justified and the center space to be filled with fill characters? a. left b. right c. internal d. showpos Q24: Which of the following statements restores the default fill character? a. cout.defaultFill(); b. cout.fill(); c. cout.fill( 0 ); d. cout.fill( ' ' ); Q25: When the showbase flag is set: a. The base of a number precedes it in brackets. b. Decimal numbers are not output any differently. c. "oct" or "hex" will be displayed in the output stream. d. Octal numbers can appear in one of two ways. Q26: What will be output by the following statements? double x = .0012345; cout << fixed << x << endl; cout << scientific << x << endl; a. 1.234500e-003 0.001235 b. 1.23450e-003 0.00123450 c. .001235 1.234500e-003 d. 0.00123450 1.23450e-003 Q27: Which of the following outputs does not guarantee that the uppercase flag has been set? a. All hexadecimal numbers appear in the form 0X87. b. All numbers written in scientific notation appear the form 6.45E+010. c. All text outputs appear in the form SAMPLE OUTPUT. d. All hexadecimal numbers appear in the form AF6. Q28: Which of the following is not true about bool values and how they're output with the output stream? a. The old style of representing true/false values used -1 to indicate false and 1 to indicate true. b. A bool value outputs as 0 or 1 by default. c. Stream manipulator boolalpha sets the output stream to display bool values as the strings "true" and "false". d. Both boolalpha and noboolalpha are “sticky” settings.

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