COL 9(7), 071202(2011) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS July 10, 2011
Interferometric measurement of injection nozzles using
ultra-small fiber-optical probes
Tilo Pfeifer
, Robert Schmitt
, Niels K¨onig
, and Guilherme Francisco Mallmann
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology Steinbachstr. 17, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Lab oratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering of RWTH Aachen University,
Steinbachstr. 19, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Corresp onding author: niels.koenig@ipt.fraunhofer.de
Received December 1, 2010; accepted February 18, 2011; posted online May 18, 2011
The measurement of b oreholes with diameters smaller than 500 µm is a demanding task that cannot be
p erformed using state-of-the-art production metrology. In this letter, a miniaturized fiber probe with
a diameter of 80 µm is presented. A probe is used for low-coherence interferometry to conduct highly
precise measurements of form deviations of small boreholes. Measurements conducted in nozzles are also
presented. The results prove the potential of the fiber-optical sensor for quality inspection of high-precision
parts, such as injection nozzles, for common-rail diesel engines.
OCIS codes: 120.3180, 120.6650, 060.2370.
doi: 10.3788/COL201109.071202.
The shape of spray holes in modern fuel injection nozzles
for diesel engines is a key factor in minimal pollutant
emission and economic fuel combustion. Any devia-
tion from its design shape significantly affects spray
breakup, leading to unequally distributed flow and pres-
sure changes
The measurement of spray holes poses a major chal-
lenge towards modern production metrology, because
these holes can have diameters of as small as 150 µm,
with a tendency towards even smaller diameters in future
systems. There are several measuring principles for the
inspection of injection nozzles. These can be categorized
into tactile
(or with a gauge), opto-tactile
, optical
and electrical principles
. Common measurands include
diameter and fuel flow. Only a few principles offer the
possibility for more than just point-wise probing. A
fiber-based approach, which can be used to scan inside
small boreholes, has been described in Ref. [4]. Due
to many factors, including the small measuring range
of ∼30 µm, complex and expensive heterodyne inter-
ferometer set up, and restrictive patent situation, this
fiber-based approach has not been as established as the
other methods mentioned.
This letter presents an interferometric measurement
system based on fiber-optical components, which can be
minimized for the inspection of injection nozzle spray
holes. Evaluation measurements were conducted with a
spark-eroded micro-hole array.
The measuring principle is based on low-coherence
interferometry. The key element of the system, which
has been developed at Fraunhofer Institute for Produc-
tion Technology, is the fiber-based sensing probe and
fiber-coupled interferometric evaluation unit (Fig. 1).
Both elements utilize the interferometric principle: the
fiber-based Fizeau interferometer is used as sensing probe
and encodes the measurement distance, which is then
decoded in the Michelson interferometer. Two superlu-
minescent diodes (SLD) are coupled into the system as
a supercontinuum, low-coherence light source with two
shifted wavelengths for additional beat frequency. Single-
mode couplers carry the light to the sensing probe, where
Fresnel reflection divides the light into a reference and
a measuring beam. The optical path difference (OPD)
between these beams is compensated in the Michelson
interferometer by an appropriate length difference be-
tween beam splitter and reference mirror and the tilted
mirror, respectively. The characteristic interference pat-
tern is then detected by a charge-coupled device (CCD)
line camera and processed by a computer. The distance
of the measuring object is correlated with the lateral
position of the fringe center on the CCD chip, leading to
a pixel value that encodes the distance.
Working distance and measuring range can be adjusted
with the angle and distance between the tilted mirror
and the beamsplitter cube. The fact that the fiber-based
Fizeau interferometer is build up as common-path inter-
ferometer is an outstanding system advantage. This is
because measurement and reference paths are exposed to
the same thermal conditions that minimize thermal drift
due to dissimilar fiber-lengths. Furthermore, there are
no mechanical elements required, such as linear stages
or piezoelectric actuators, for balancing or varying the
OPD. The system provides a variable working distance of
around 100 µm and a measuring range of approximately
160 µm.
Fig. 1. Setup of the fiber-optical interferometer.
1671-7694/2011/071202(4) 071202-1
° 2011 Chinese Optics Letters