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Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is considered the current effective means of solving traffic congestion in large cities and improving road safety in China. The collection of traffic data is the most fundamental part of ITS. This design analyzes the current status and existing problems of data collection systems both domestically and internationally, demonstrating the necessity of a traffic data collection system. It proposes the basic requirements for a traffic data collection system, detailing the signal collection module based on the HMC1022 magnetic sensor. The hardware circuit includes a magnetic detection circuit, a signal amplification circuit, and a wireless RF transmitter/receiver circuit based on the NRF9E5 chip. By using the HMC1022 dual-axis to detect changes in the magnetic field and calculating the data accordingly, errors can be effectively reduced. The system then utilizes the NRF9E5 module for long-distance communication, which is more cost-effective, accurate, and easy to maintain compared to traditional coil induction collection methods. The wireless transmission module is powered by solar energy, reducing the maintenance probability and minimizing the impact of maintenance on traffic. The software is written in C language and compiled in the KEIL integrated environment. Experimental results demonstrate that the entire system features high accuracy, low power consumption, ease of use, and miniaturization. Key words: magnetic sensor; signal collection; wireless RF transmission/reception; module design.
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