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"LIGGGHTS and CFDEM coupling is a powerful modelling technique based on LAMMPS technology that allows for the simulation of macroscopic particle processes. This innovative method was presented at the DEM6 Conference in Golden, Colorado on August 5, 2013 by Christoph Kloss, Christoph Goniva, and Stefan Pirker from the Department of Particulate Flow Modelling at JKU Linz, Austria and DCS Computing GmbH. The CFDEMproject, a collaboration between the two institutions, aims to advance the field of particle flow modelling by combining the strengths of LIGGGHTS and CFDEM in a unified framework. By utilizing the capabilities of LAMMPS technology, LIGGGHTS and CFDEM coupling enables researchers to simulate complex particle interactions at the macroscale. This integrated approach allows for the accurate representation of granular materials and multiphase flow phenomena, making it a valuable tool for various industries and academic research. The presentation at the DEM6 Conference highlighted the key features of the LIGGGHTS and CFDEM coupling method, including its ability to model particle processes in a realistic and efficient manner. The researchers demonstrated how this approach can be used to study phenomena such as fluidization, sedimentation, and mixing, providing valuable insights into the behavior of particulate systems. Overall, the LIGGGHTS and CFDEM coupling technique represents a significant advancement in particle flow modelling, offering a versatile and reliable solution for researchers and engineers. With its foundation in LAMMPS technology and the collaborative efforts of JKU Linz and DCS Computing, this method has the potential to drive innovation and progress in the field of granular materials research."