Expecting the Unexpected: Fast and Reliable
etection of Missing RFID Tags in the Wild
Muhammad Shahzad and Alex X. Liu
Department of Compute r Science and Engineering
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan, USA
{shahzad m, alexliu}@cse.msu.edu
Abstract—RFID systems have been deployed to detect missing
products by affixing them with cheap passive RFID tags and
monitoring them with RFID readers. Existing missing tag detec-
tion protocols require the tag popul ation to contain only those
tags whose IDs are already known to the reader. However, in
reality, t ag population s often contain tags with unknown IDs,
called unexpected tags, and cause unexpected false positives i.e.,
due to them, missing tags are detected as present. We take
the first step towards addressing the problem of detecting the
missing tags from a population th at contains un expected tags.
Our protocol, RUN, mitigates the adverse effects of unexpected
false positives by executing multiple frames with different seeds.
It minimizes the missing tag detecti on time by first estimating the
number of unexpected tags and then using it along with the false
positive probability to obtain optimal frame sizes and number
of times Aloha frames should be executed. RUN works with
multiple readers with overlapping regions. It i s easy to deploy
because it is implemented on readers as a software module and
does not require modifications to tags or to the communication
protocol between tags and readers. We imp lemented RUN along
with four major missing tag detection protocols and the fastest
tag ID collection protocol and compared th em side-by-side. Our
experimental results show that RUN always achieves the required
reliability whereas the best existing protocol achieves a maximum
reliability of only 67%.
A. Background & Motivation
Shoplifting, employee the ft, and vendor fraud have become
major causes of lost capital for retailers [14]. In 2011 alon e,
the retailers lost an estimated 34.5 billion dollars due to
these causes [1]. With the benefits of not requiring a line-
of-sight and low cost of ta gs (e.g., 5 cents per tag [11]), radio
frequency identification (RFID) systems have been deployed
for monitorin g products by affixing them with cheap passive
RFID tags an d using RFID readers, which are given the IDs of
the tags that are being monitored, to detect any missing tags.
A tag is a microchip with an anten na in a compact package
that has limited computin g power and communication range .
There are two types of tags: (1) passive tags, which power u p
by harvesting the radio frequency energy from readers (as th ey
do not have their own power sources) and h ave communication
range often less than 20 feet; (2) active tags, which have their
own power sources and have relatively longer communication
range. A reader has a dedicated power source with sign ifica nt
computing power. It transmits queries to a set of tags an d the
tags respond over a shared wireless medium . In this paper, we
deal with both passive and active RFID tags.
B. Summary & Limitations of Prior Art
There are two ty pes of missing tag detection protocols:
probabilistic [9], [15] and deterministic [7], [8], [18]. The
probabilistic protocols are faster but only report the event
that some tags are missing, with out pin pointing exactly which
ones. The deterministic protocols return IDs of all the missing
tags but are comparatively slower. Both approaches have their
merits. In fact, they are comp le mentary to each other, and
should be used together. For example, a probabilistic protocol
should be used to detect a missing tag event and once detected,
a deterministic protocol should be invoked to identif y which
tags are missing. Several probabilistic protocols such as TRP
[15] and EMTD [9] and determ inistic protocols such as IIP
[7], MTI [18], and SFMTI [8] have been proposed.
There are two key limitations of existing protocols. The
first limitation is that all existing protocols assume a perfect en-
vironm ent with no unexpected tags, which is not a realistic as-
sumption. In reality, tag p opulation s often contain unexpected
tags whose ID s are unknown. Here we give three examples.
For the first example, in airports where an airline company
uses RFID readers to monitor baggage of its passengers, the
tags of othe r a irline’s baggage, which are in the vicinity
of this airline’s readers, also respond to the queries of this
airline’s readers. For the second example, in a large warehouse
rented to multiple tenants, one tenant’s RFID readers receive
responses from ta gs of other tenants. For the third example,
in a retail store that u ses RFID readers to monitor only
expensive merchandize, the readers receive responses from
tags of inexpensive merchan dize as well. Similar scenarios
exist in other settings such as hospitals and malls. Existing
protocols can not handle the presence of unexpected tags
because they fill up unexpected slots in Aloha frames resultin g
in unexpected false positives.
The second major limitation of existing protocols is that
except TRP, none of them is comp liant with the EPCGlobal
Class 1 Generation 2 (C1G2) RFID standard [4]. These pro-
tocols require the manufacturers to put random bit seque nces
in tags for calculating specia lized hash functions. They also
require the tags to be able to receive and interpre t “pre-
vector” and/or “post-vector” frames to select slots in frames.
Such functionalities are not provisioned in the C1G2 standard
because tags, especially the passive ones, do not have enough
computa tional power. It is important for an RFID protocol
to be comp liant with the C1G2 standard becau se the cheap
commerc ia lly available off-the-shelf (COTS) tags follow the
C1G2 standard. A protocol that is not complian t with the
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)
978-1-4799-8381-0/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 1939