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"《C++与Qt设计模式入门(第2版)》" 《C++与Qt设计模式入门(第2版)》是一本深入探讨设计模式的书籍,旨在提升程序员在C++语言中利用Qt框架进行软件开发的能力。设计模式是软件工程中的重要概念,它们代表了在特定情境下解决常见问题的最佳实践。通过学习和应用这些模式,开发者能够编写出更高效、可维护和可扩展的代码。 设计模式的核心在于复用已验证的解决方案,而不是从零开始解决问题。这本书可能涵盖了如单例模式、工厂模式、观察者模式、装饰器模式、代理模式等经典设计模式,并结合Qt库的特性,展示如何在实际项目中有效利用这些模式。例如,Qt的信号和槽机制可以与观察者模式相结合,实现组件间的通信;使用工厂模式可以动态地创建Qt对象,提高代码的灵活性。 书中可能还包括对策略模式、模板方法模式、建造者模式、状态模式和访问者模式等的讨论,帮助读者理解如何在C++和Qt环境中优雅地管理对象和类之间的关系。此外,作者可能会介绍一些与面向对象设计原则相关的模式,如开闭原则(Open-Closed Principle)、单一职责原则(Single Responsibility Principle)以及依赖倒置原则(Dependency Inversion Principle)。 书中的实例代码将来源于真实的开源应用,这使得读者能够了解到实际开发中的最佳实践,同时也能了解Qt库的广泛使用情况。通过学习这些代码,读者不仅可以掌握设计模式的理论,还能获得实际操作的宝贵经验。 该书作为Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development Series的一部分,旨在推广开源技术的应用。系列书籍覆盖了各种开源技术,从数据库系统到编程语言,提供了丰富的学习资源。访问informit.com/opensourcedev可以获取更多关于开源软件开发的出版物信息。 《C++与Qt设计模式入门(第2版)》是一本适合有一定C++和Qt基础的开发者进阶阅读的书籍,它将帮助读者提升代码质量和软件架构设计能力,从而在复杂项目中更加游刃有余。
2013-12-01 上传
Master C++ "The Qt Way" with Modern Design Patterns and Efficient Reuse This fully updated, classroom-tested book teaches C++ "The Qt Way," emphasizing design patterns and efficient reuse. Readers will master both the C++ language and Qt libraries, as they learn to develop maintainable software with well-defined code layers and simple, reusable classes and functions. Every chapter of this edition has been improved with new content, better organization, or both. Readers will find extensively revised coverage of QObjects, Reflection, Widgets, Main Windows, Models and Views, Databases, Multi-Threaded Programming, and Reflection. This edition introduces the powerful new Qt Creator IDE; presents new multimedia APIs; and offers extended coverage of Qt Designer and C++ Integration. It has been restructured to help readers start writing software immediately and write robust, effective software sooner. The authors introduce several new design patterns, add many quiz questions and labs, and present more efficient solutions relying on new Qt features and best practices. They also provide an up-to-date C++ reference section and a complete application case study. * Master C++ keywords, literals, identifiers, declarations, types, and type conversions. * Understand classes and objects, organize them, and describe their interrelationships. * Learn consistent programming style and naming rules. * Use lists, functions, and other essential techniques. * Define inheritance relationships to share code and promote reuse. * Learn how code libraries are designed, built, and reused. * Work with QObject, the base class underlying much of Qt. * Build graphical user interfaces with Qt widgets. * Use templates to write generic functions and classes. * Master advanced reflective programming techniques. * Use the Model-View framework to cleanly separate data and GUI classes. * Validate input using regular expressions and other techniques. * Parse XML data with SAX, DOM, and QXmlStreamReader. * Master today's most valuable creational and structural design patterns. * Create, use, monitor, and debug processes and threads. * Access databases with Qt's SQL classes. * Manage memory reliably and efficiently. * Understand how to effectively manage QThreads and use QtConcurrent algorithms. Click here to obtain supplementary materials for this book.