Rational ClearQuest 使用手册 - SCMChina

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"Rational ClearQuest 使用手册" Rational ClearQuest 是IBM公司开发的一款强大的变更管理和问题追踪工具,常用于软件开发过程中的缺陷管理、需求跟踪、任务分配等。本手册由SCMChina-cqoo和月下的棋士共同编写,旨在帮助用户理解和使用Rational ClearQuest,特别关注在UCM(统一变更管理)模式下与ClearCase(另一款配置管理工具)的集成。 在手册中,首先提到了Web发布的版本信息,文档版权由作者和8848software.com共同持有,并允许无修改的自由传播和下载,但禁止未经许可的商业使用。同时,提供了作者的联系方式以便读者提供反馈和建议。 手册的内容涵盖了Rational ClearQuest的基本操作和配置要点。例如,它指出ClearQuest采用Access数据库作为存储后端,这意味着对于数据的管理、查询和报表生成都需考虑Access的特性。此外,手册还强调了邮件服务器的配置,指出不支持需要身份验证的邮件服务,这可能影响到系统自动发送通知的功能。 引言部分通常会概述ClearQuest的核心功能,如变更跟踪、问题管理、工作流程定制以及与其他工具(如ClearCase)的集成。这些功能使得团队能够有效地追踪问题,管理变更请求,通过自定义的工作流程审批流程确保项目的稳定性和质量。 在使用手册的后续部分,读者可以期待学习如何创建和管理数据库、定义表单和字段以适应特定项目的需求,设置和配置工作流程以规范处理过程,以及如何通过Web界面进行用户交互。此外,手册可能还会涉及报告和分析功能,让团队可以追踪进度,识别问题趋势,以及如何通过API和其他接口与其他系统进行集成。 Rational ClearQuest 使用手册是理解并掌握这款工具的关键资源,它将引导用户深入理解变更管理的流程,提升团队协作效率,确保软件开发过程的透明度和可控性。

Create a class called Rational for performing arithmetic with fractions. Use integer variables to represent the private data of the class – the numerator and the denominator. Provide a constructor that enables an object of this class to be initialized when it’s declared. The constructor should store the fraction in reduced form. For example, the fraction 2/4 would be stored in the object as 1 in the numerator and 2 in the denominator. In order to compute the reduced form, you need to write a reduction function which uses the Euclidean algorithm to get the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator first and then divides GCD to get the reduced numerator and denominator. Provide public member functions that perform each of the following tasks: (a) Subtract a Rational number from the other Rational number. The result should be stored in reduced form. (b) Divide a Rational number by the other Rational number. The result should be stored in reduced form. (c) Print Rational numbers in the form a/b, where a is the numerator and b is the denominator. (d)Compare two Rational numbers to make sure which one is smaller or they are equal. (1 for the first number, 2 for the second number and 0 if they are equal) Please also write a main function to prompt the user to input two Rational numbers . Subtract one number from the other from these two numbers using (a) and then print the result using (c). Divide one number from the other from these two numbers using (b) and then print the result using (c). Compare these two Rational numbers using (d) and indicate which one is smaller or they are equal. 用c++5.11寫出,且使用using namespace std;

2023-06-02 上传