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The rapid development of the mobile Internet has led to the increasing popularity of e-commerce, especially online shopping, among netizens. Online shopping plays an increasingly important role in the economic development of countries. Netizens have become accustomed to purchasing goods online due to the simple buying process, convenient and reliable payment methods, fast and smooth logistics delivery, and secure information protection. Online shopping has gained the favor of netizens worldwide.
This project presents a detailed analysis of an online shopping system by referring to popular online shopping websites such as Taobao and JD. The analysis focuses on the functional requirements of both the front-end shopping system and the back-end management system, as well as the non-functional requirements related to system security and scalability. Based on the detailed requirements analysis, the database structure was designed.
The system is divided into two parts: the front-end shopping system and the back-end management system. The front-end shopping system includes modules for users, products, shopping carts, and orders, while the back-end management system includes modules for user management, product management, order management, and operation management. This paper introduces the design of each system module through system structure diagrams, module flowcharts, and detailed textual descriptions.
Keywords: online shopping, front-end shopping, back-end management.
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