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"Learning Processing" 是一本面向初学者的编程指南,专为那些希望在图像处理、动画和互动领域入门的人设计。这本书属于 Morgan Kaufmann 系列,专注于计算机图形学教育。作者 Daniel Shiffman 以其深入浅出的方式,引导读者理解和应用 Processing 这个强大的编程环境,它通常被用于创意表达和实验性编程。 Processing 是一个基于 Java 的开源编程语言,特别适合视觉艺术、设计和交互式媒体项目。通过本书,读者可以学习如何编写代码来控制图像的绘制、动画的创建,以及如何实现用户界面的交互。它强调实践和动手能力,让读者能够在实践中学习编程逻辑和美学设计。 书中可能包含以下知识点: 1. **Processing语法基础**:介绍 Processing 语言的关键概念,如变量、数据类型、流程控制(循环和条件语句)等,帮助读者掌握编程的基本语法结构。 2. **图像处理与图形编程**:讲解如何使用 Processing 处理像素数据,实现滤镜、纹理映射和图像合成等效果,以及基本的图形算法和数据结构。 3. **动画原理与实现**:介绍帧动画、逐帧动画、运动路径动画等,以及如何通过时间参数控制动画效果。 4. **交互设计**:探讨如何设计用户输入响应,包括鼠标、键盘事件,以及如何构建简单的交互式应用程序。 5. **模块化编程和类的概念**:虽然 Processing 是基于 Java 的,但书中可能会涉及如何组织代码以实现模块化和复用,以及面向对象编程的基本概念。 6. **案例研究与项目实践**:书中可能包含一系列实际项目示例,让读者能够跟随指导进行练习,提升实际操作能力。 其他提到的书籍如 "Digital Modeling of Material Appearance"、"Mobile 3D Graphics with OpenGLES and M3G" 等,展示了 Processing 在更广泛领域的应用,如材料建模、移动设备上的3D图形开发,以及医学可视化中的角色。 此外,还有关于 Maya 编程、OpenGL图形编程、几何代数在计算机科学中的应用,以及高级图像处理技术如高动态范围成像等,这些内容都与 Processing 相关,表明 Processing 不仅仅局限于图像处理,还延伸到3D图形和复杂图形处理技术。 "Learning Processing" 是一本全面的入门指南,适合任何希望通过 Processing 开启数字艺术和编程世界大门的学习者,无论他们是设计师、艺术家还是工程师,都能从中找到所需的知识和技能。
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Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction 2nd Edition pdf Learning Processing, Second Edition, is a friendly start-up guide to Processing, a free, open-source alternative to expensive software and daunting programming languages. Requiring no previous experience, this book is for the true programming beginner. It teaches the basic building blocks of programming needed to create cutting-edge graphics applications including interactive art, live video processing, and data visualization. Step-by-step examples, thorough explanations, hands-on exercises, and sample code, supports your learning curve. A unique lab-style manual, the book gives graphic and web designers, artists, and illustrators of all stripes a jumpstart on working with the Processing programming environment by providing instruction on the basic principles of the language, followed by careful explanations of select advanced techniques. The book has been developed with a supportive learning experience at its core. From algorithms and data mining to rendering and debugging, it teaches object-oriented programming from the ground up within the fascinating context of interactive visual media. This book is ideal for graphic designers and visual artists without programming background who want to learn programming. It will also appeal to students taking college and graduate courses in interactive media or visual computing, and for self-study. A friendly start-up guide to Processing, a free, open-source alternative to expensive software and daunting programming languages No previous experience required—this book is for the true programming beginner! Step-by-step examples, thorough explanations, hands-on exercises, and sample code supports your learning curve