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"《Artifical Intelligence Methods and Tools for Systems Biology》是一本专注于人工智能在生物系统研究中的应用的计算生物学书籍。由Andreas Dress担任主编,汇集了众多知名学者的智慧,包括Gene Myers、Robert Giegerich等在内的编辑和顾问团队。这本书深入探讨了如何利用人工智能的方法和工具来解析和理解复杂的生物系统。" 在这本书中,读者可以了解到人工智能在生物学领域的广泛和深度应用。计算生物学作为一门交叉学科,结合了生物学、计算机科学和数学等多个领域的知识,旨在通过算法和统计模型解析生物数据,从而揭示生命现象的内在规律。人工智能在此领域发挥了关键作用,它能够处理和分析大量的生物信息,比如基因序列、蛋白质结构、代谢途径等。 人工智能方法包括机器学习、深度学习、模式识别、自然语言处理等,这些技术被用来挖掘生物数据中的模式、预测基因功能、构建生物网络、进行进化分析等。例如,机器学习算法可以训练模型以识别基因表达模式,帮助科学家理解疾病的发生机制;深度学习则能预测蛋白质结构,这对于药物设计具有重大意义。 书中还可能涵盖了遗传学、分子生物学、生物信息学等方面的具体案例,展示了人工智能如何辅助解决实际生物学问题。例如,人工智能可以用于疾病诊断,通过对大量病例数据的分析,提高诊断的准确性和效率;在疫苗研发中,可以预测抗原的结构和免疫反应,加速疫苗的设计过程。 此外,书中还可能讨论了人工智能工具的开发和使用,如生物信息学软件、数据库和云计算平台,这些工具为科研人员提供了强大支持,使得生物数据分析变得更加高效和便捷。 《Artifical Intelligence Methods and Tools for Systems Biology》是人工智能与生物学交叉领域的重要参考资料,它不仅阐述了人工智能在生物系统研究中的理论基础,还提供了丰富的实践应用示例,对于生物学家、计算生物学家以及对这一领域感兴趣的科研工作者来说,都是一本不可多得的学术著作。通过深入阅读,读者将能够掌握如何运用人工智能技术解决生物学难题,推动生命科学研究的进展。
2018-09-28 上传
Open Source Intelligence Methods and Tools focuses on building a deep understanding of how to exploit open source intelligence (OSINT) techniques, methods, and tools to acquire information from publicly available online sources to support intelligence analysis. The harvested data can be used in different scenarios such as financial, crime,and terrorism investigations as well as in more regular tasks such as analyzing business competitors, running background checks, and acquiring intelligence about individuals and other entities. This book will also improve your skills in acquiring information online from the surface web, the deep web, and the darknet. Many estimates show that 90 percent of useful information acquired by intelligence services comes from public sources (in other words, OSINT sources). Social media sites open up numerous opportunities for investigations because of the vast amount of useful information located in one place. For example, you can get a great deal of personal information about any person worldwide by just checking their Facebook page. This book will show you how to conduct advanced social media investigations to access content believed to be private, use advanced search engines queries to return accurate results, search historical deleted versions of websites, track individuals online using public record databases and people-searching tools, locate information buried in the deep web, access and navigate the dark web, collect intelligence from the dark web, view multiple historic satellite images and street views of any location, search geolocation information within popular social media sites, and more. In short, you will learn how to use a plethora of techniques, tools, and free online services to gather intelligence about any target online. OSINT-gathering activities should be conducted secretly to avoid revealing the searcher’s identity. Therefore, this book will teach you how to conceal your digital identity and become anonymous online. You will learn how to exchange data secretly across hostile environments like the Internet and how to communicate with your peers privately and anonymously. You will also learn how to check your digital footprint and discover what kind of digital traces you are leaving behind and how to delete them.
2023-04-19 上传