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"C++ How to Program, 10th Edition.pdf" 这本《C++ How to Program》的第十版是面向初学者和进阶者的经典教程,旨在深度讲解C++编程语言。书中涵盖了最新的C++14标准,该标准引入了许多重要的改进和新特性,使C++更具现代性和效率。C++14是C++编程语言的一个关键更新,它扩展了C++11的功能,并在某些方面进行了优化。 书中的内容可能包括但不限于以下几个方面: 1. **C++基础知识**:介绍C++的基本语法,如变量、数据类型、运算符、流程控制语句(如if、for、while)以及函数的使用。 2. **对象导向编程(OOP)**:深入讲解C++的类、对象、封装、继承和多态等核心概念,这是C++的重要组成部分,也是现代软件开发的基础。 3. **模板和泛型编程**:C++11引入的模板元编程和C++14中的增强使模板成为一个强大的工具,可用于编写高效且可复用的代码。 4. **STL(标准模板库)**:涵盖容器(如vector、list、set)、迭代器、算法和函数对象,这些是C++程序员日常工作中不可或缺的部分。 5. **智能指针**:C++11引入的shared_ptr、unique_ptr和weak_ptr,用于管理内存,减少内存泄漏,提升程序安全性。 6. **Lambda表达式**:C++11引入的新特性,允许在运行时创建匿名函数,简化代码并提高代码的可读性。 7. **并发编程**:C++11引入的线程库,包括std::thread、互斥量、条件变量等,使得C++支持多核处理器的并行计算。 8. **右值引用和移动语义**:C++11的新特性,提高了对象的效率,特别是在大型数据结构的拷贝和赋值操作中。 9. **类型推断(auto关键字)**:C++11引入的auto关键字,让编译器自动推断变量类型,简化代码,提高可读性。 10. **范围基础的for循环**:C++11的新语法,使得遍历容器变得更加简洁易读。 11. **C++标准库**:包括输入/输出流、字符串处理、异常处理等,这些都是C++程序员必须掌握的知识。 通过阅读这本书,读者不仅可以了解C++语言的基础,还能学习到如何利用C++14的新特性来编写更加高效、简洁和易于维护的代码。此外,书中的实践案例和练习将帮助读者巩固理论知识,提升实际编程技能。
2019-01-06 上传
C++ How to Program (10th Edition) By 作者: Harvey M. Deitel Paul Deitel ISBN-10 书号: 9332585733 ISBN-13 书号: 9789332585737 Edition 版本: 10th 出版日期: 2017 Format: Paperback C++ How to Program presents leading-edge computing technologies in a friendly manner appropriate for introductory college course sequences, based on the curriculum recommendations of two key professional organizations–the ACM and the IEEE. The best-selling C++ How to Program is accessible to readers with little or no programming experience, yet comprehensive enough for the professional programmer. The Deitels’ signature live-code approach presents the concepts in the context of full working programs followed by sample executions. The early objects approach gets readers thinking about objects immediately–allowing them to more thoroughly master the concepts. Emphasis is placed on achieving program clarity and building well-engineered software. Interesting, entertaining, and challenging exercises encourage students to make a difference and use computers and the Internet to work on problems. To keep readers up-to-date with leading-edge computing technologies, the Tenth Edition conforms to the C++11 standard and the new C++14 standard. 1Introduction to Computers and C++ 2 Introduction to C++Programming,Input/Output and Operators 3Introduction to Classes,Objects,Member Functions and Strings 4Algorithm Development and Control Statements:Part 1 5 Control Statements:Part 2;Logical Operators 6Functions and an Introduction to Recursion 7 Class Templates array and vector;Catching Exceptions 8 Pointers 9 Classes:A Deeper Look 10 Operator Overloading;Class string 11 Object-Oriented Programming:Inheritance 12 Object-Oriented Programming:Polymorphism 13 Stream Input/Output:A Deeper Look 14File Processing 15 Standard Library Containers and lterators 16 Standard Library Algorithms 17 Exception Handling:A Deeper Look 18 Introduction to Custom Templates 19 Custom Templatized Data Structures 20 Searching and Sorting 21Cl