Experimental investigation on the time-delay signature
of chaotic output from a 1550 nm VCSEL subject
to FBG feedback
Zhu-Qiang Zhong,
Zheng-Mao Wu,
and Guang-Qiong Xia
School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
e-mail: zmwu@swu.edu.cn
*Corresponding author: gqxia@swu.edu.cn
Received October 11, 2016; revised November 15, 2016; accepted November 16, 2016;
posted November 18, 2016 (Doc. ID 278477); published December 12, 2016
The time-delay signature (TDS) of chaos output in a 1550 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) subject
to fiber Bragg grating (FBG) feedback is investigated experimentally. Autocorrelation function (ACF) and mutual
information (MI) are used for quantitatively identifying the TDS of chaos. For various bias currents, the TDS evo-
lution with the feedback strength is different, as the FBG provides wavelength-selective feedback. Furthermore,
based on the TDS map of the FBG feedback VCSEL (FBGF-VCSEL) in the parameter space of feedback strength and
bias current, the optimal TDS suppression regions, where the dominant polarization mode of FBGF-VCSEL locates
at the edge of the main lobe of FBG reflection spectrum, have been determined. Finally, for comparative purpose,
the TDS of chaos in mirror feedback VCSEL (MF-VCSEL) also has been presented, and the results show that an
FBGF-VCSEL possesses better TDS suppression performance than an MF-VCSEL. © 2016 Chinese Laser Press
OCIS codes: (140.5960) Semiconductor lasers; (060.3735) Fiber Bragg gratings; (190.3100) Instabilities and
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) have been
widely adopted in various applications such as optical com-
munication, optical storage, parallel optical links, and so on
[1–4]. Compared with edge-emitting semiconductor lasers
(EELs), VCSELs have many beneficial features such as
low power consumption, low threshold current, low cost,
on-wafer testing capability, high bandwidth modulation, and
easy large-scale integration into 2D arrays, etc. [5,6]. VCSELs
subject to suitable optical feedback can generate high
Kaplan–Yorke dimension optical chaotic output and then ap-
ply to optical-chaos-based communication [1,2,7]. However,
the chaotic output from external cavity feedback VCSELs
(ECF-VCSELs) usually retains a time-delay signature (TDS)
originated from the optical round trip between the VCSEL
and the external feedback mirror [8–14], which may provide
some possibilities to reconstruct the system by adopting
time-series analysis techniques for delayed systems [15–17]
and then threaten the system security. As a result, the TDS
suppression has been a research hot spot in the field related
to chaos generation and applications based on delayed
VCSELs in recent years.
So far, many schemes have been proposed for suppressing
the TDS of chaos in VCSELs. Xiang et al. numerically inves-
tigated the TDS of chaos in VCSELs with single variable-
polarization optical feedback (VPOF) [8]. Priyadarshi et al.
experimentally demonstrated the TDS concealment in VCSELs
subject to VPOF [9]. By introducing another feedback cavity,
Lin and co-workers experimentally verified that the TDS in
a single transverse and multi-transverse mode VCSEL with
double-cavity polarization-rotated feedback can be effectively
suppressed [10,11]. Elsonbaty et al. theoretically investigated
the TDS of chaos in a hybrid optical and electro-optic feed-
back VCSEL and successfully achieved TDS of intensity
and phase simultaneously suppressed chaotic carriers [12].
Liu et al. proposed a three cascade-coupled configuration of
VCSELs and numerically investigated the TDS and chaotic
bandwidth of the output from the VCSELs [13]. Hong et al.
experimentally verified the performance of the three-
cascaded VCSELs in suppressing the TDS of chaos as well
as the effect of injecting chaotic bandwidth on the TDS
suppression [14]. It should be noted that, for the above-
mentioned schemes, external optical feedback is provided
by mirrors. Recently, Li et al. proposed and experimentally
demonstrated that, by using a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) as
a reflector, the TDS of chaos output from an EEL can be
suppressed [18,19]. Different from conventional reflected
mirrors, an FBG can provide distributed feedback along
its length, and the group velocity dispersion of FBG can
weaken and suppress the TDS. We extended the FBG feed-
back to VCSELs and theoretically studied the TDS of chaos
in VCSELs subject to variable-polarization FBG feedback
[20] as well as the polarization-resolved TDS of chaos in an
FBG feedback VCSEL (FBGF-VCSEL) [21]. Even so, no ex-
perimental investigation on the TDS of chaotic output from
an FBGF-VCSEL has been carried on.
In this work, the TDS of chaotic output from a 1550 nm
VCSEL subject to FBG feedback is experimentally investi-
gated. By recording the time series, power spectrum, and
optical spectrum of the FBGF-VCSEL output, the dynamical
route to chaos of the system is examined. Moreover, with
the help of an autocorrelation function (ACF) and mutual
6 Photon. Res. / Vol. 5, No. 1 / February 2017 Zhong et al.
2327-9125/17/010006-05 © 2017 Chinese Laser Press