Advanced calculus, including complex variables [Churchill and Brown, 1990].
Discrete-time signals and systems, Fourier transforms, z-transforms, filtering,
and convolution [Oppenheim and Schafer, 1989; Stearns and Hush, 1990].
Random variables and stochastic processes, expectation, probability, and
wide-sense stationarity [Papoulis, 1991; Peebles 1993].
Linear algebra, including linear equations, matrices, and vectors [Strang,
Experience with high-level programming using a language such as C.
The above list is covered in most undergraduate Electrical Engineering curricula;
with this background, the book is self-contained.
The text is divided into 19 chapters. Cha pter 1 provides an overview of the subjects
covered, with references to various aspects of speech coding, standards, algorithms,
and comments on notation and terminology. Cha pter 2 is a review of some signal
processing techniques, some are very general, but others are less known outside
speech coding literature. Chapter 3 contains some foundation for stochastic
processes and mode ls, which are important for an understanding of the theoretical
aspects. Chapter 4 is about linear prediction, the integral part of almost all modern
speech coders. Chapter 5 reviews the various aspects of scalar quantization, which
are utilized routinely by many speech coding algorithms. One of the earliest digital
coding techniques is pulse code modulation (PCM); it and its variants are the topic
of Chapter 6. Chapter 7 deals with vector quantization, which has become more and
more important for the achievement of high efficiency in coding systems. Linear
prediction coefficients (LPC) are normally quantized for transmission as part of the
compressed bit-stream; Chapter 8 covers the various methods for scalar quantiza-
tion of these coefficients. One of the landmarks in low bit-rate speech coding is the
linear prediction coding (LPC) algorithm, discussed in Chapter 9. Chapter 10
is devoted to regular pulse excitation coders, with a thorough description of the
GSM 6.10 standard. Principles of code-excited linear predictio n (CELP) are given
in Chapter 11, covering the various aspects of analysi s-by-synthesis, signal
calculation, postfilter design, and efficiency. Chapters 12 and 13 present the
structure of two standardized CELP coders: FS1016 and IS54, respectively; these
are both milestones in speech coding development. Chapter 14 is dedicated to
the G.72 8 low-delay CELP standar d, with thorough explanations of strategies for
delay reduction and detailed structures of the coder. Vector quantization of LPC
is included in Chapter 15, representing a huge advance with respect to scalar
quantization techniques covered in Chapter 8, and methods used by various
standardized coders are analyzed. The highly influential algebraic CELP (ACELP)
algorithm is covered in Chapter 16, where several ACELP-based standards are
described, with focus on the G.729 standard. The mixed excitation linear prediction
(MELP) algorithm is discussed in Chapter 17, and is shown to be an improvement