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"Image Engineering 的数码相机测试标准文档,详细阐述了对数码相机的各种性能测试方法,包括动态范围、分辨率、镜头相关特性、颜色表现以及传感器相关参数等关键指标的测量与分析。" 本文档由 Image Engineering 的 Dietmar Wueller 编写,详细介绍了数码相机的测试标准和方法,旨在评估相机的性能和质量。以下是对各部分的详细解释: 1. 测量特性:这部分主要探讨如何量化和分析相机的各种性能特征,如曝光、对比度、色彩准确性等。 2. 相机设置:讨论了在进行测试时应如何正确配置相机的参数,如快门速度、光圈大小、ISO感光度等,以确保结果的公正性和可比性。 3. 测试条件:定义了理想的测试环境和条件,包括光照、温度、稳定性等,以保证测试的一致性和可靠性。 4. OECF(光学电子转换函数)测量:OECF 是衡量相机动态范围的关键,涉及如何处理从光线到数字信号的转换,包括动态范围的测量、数字值的使用、白平衡的校正以及噪声和ISO速度的分析。 4.1 动态范围:探讨相机捕捉从最亮到最暗细节的能力。 4.2 用到的数字值:说明了如何将光信号转化为可读的数字信号。 4.3 白平衡:描述了如何调整相机以适应不同光源下的色彩表现。 4.4 噪声和ISO速度:分析高ISO设置下图像的噪声水平,以及噪声与感光度的关系。 4.5 详细的噪声分析:深入研究噪声分布和噪声源。 5. 分辨率:这部分关注相机的解析力,包括: 5.1 极限分辨率:确定相机能分辨的最小细节。 5.2 方向特定的图像处理:讨论了不同方向(横向、纵向)可能存在的处理差异。 5.3 锐度:评估图像的清晰度和边缘表现。 5.4 中心问题:检查图像中心和边缘的分辨率一致性。 5.5 畸变:分析镜头的畸变效应,如桶形畸变和枕形畸变。 6. 其他镜头相关值:涵盖了与镜头性能相关的测试: 6.1 畸变:测量镜头引起的几何形状失真。 6.2 阴影/渐晕:检测镜头边缘的亮度下降。 6.3 色散(横向色差):评估色彩分离现象。 6.4 视角、变焦范围:在不同距离下测试镜头的覆盖范围。 6.5 详细的微距模式测试:深入测试微距拍摄性能。 6.6 光学防抖:评估镜头或相机的光学稳定系统的效果。 6.7 自动对焦精度和一致性:分析自动对焦系统的准确性和一致性。 7. 颜色:这部分关注相机的色彩表现: 7.1 色彩再现:评估相机能否准确还原真实世界的颜色。 7.2 色彩分辨率:分析相机区分不同颜色的能力。 8. 传感器相关值:涉及传感器的特性: 8.1 热像素:检测传感器中存在的固定噪声点(死像素或热像素)。 通过这些测试,用户和制造商可以全面了解相机的性能,从而进行有效的比较和改进。这份文档是数码相机评测和质量控制的重要参考。
2017-12-22 上传
Image Engineering Vol.1_Image Processing-Tsinghua University(2017) Image Engineering Vol.2_Image Analysis-Tsinghua University(2017) Image Engineering Vol.3_Image Understanding-Tsinghua University(2017) This book is the Volume I of “Image Engineering,” which is focused on “Image Processing,” the low layer of image engineering. This book has grown out of the author’s research experience and teaching prac- tices for full-time undergraduate and graduate students at various universities, as well as for students and engineers taking summer courses, in more than 20 years. It is prepared keeping in mind the students and instructors with the principal object- ive of introducing basic concepts, theories, methodologies, and techniques of image engineering in a vivid and pragmatic manner. Image engineering is a broad subject encompassing other subjects such as computer science, electrical and electronic engineering, mathematics, physics, physiology, and psychology. Readers of this book should have some preliminary back- ground in one of these areas. Knowledge of linear system theory, vector algebra, probability, and random process would be beneficial but may not be necessary. This book consists of eight chapters covering the main branches of image pro- cessing. It has totally 55 sections, 99 subsections, with 164 figures, 25 tables, and 473 numbered equations, in addition to 60 examples and 96 problems (the solutions for 16 of them are provided in this book). Moreover, over 200 key references are given at the end of book for further study. This book can be used for the first course “Image Processing” in the course series of image engineering, for undergraduate students of various disciplines such as computer science, electrical and electronic engineering, image pattern recognition, information processing, and intelligent information systems. It can also be of great help to scientists and engineers doing research and development in connection within related areas. Special thanks go to De Gruyter and Tsinghua University Press, and their staff members. Their kind and professional assistance are truly appreciated. Last but not least, I am deeply indebted to my wife and my daughter for their encouragement, patience, support, tolerance, and understanding during the writing of this book.
2023-07-17 上传