"BLE 5.0中HID设备协议详解:HIDS_SPEC_V10.pdf"

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The document "HIDS_SPEC_V10.pdf" outlines the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5.0 HID spec, providing a detailed description of the protocol for HID devices within the BLE 5.0 framework. This specification is essential for developers looking to create HID devices based on BLE 5.0, as it serves as a guide for the design and implementation of HID functionality over Bluetooth Low Energy. The HID Service Specification abstract highlights that this service is responsible for exposing HID reports and other HID data specifically meant for HID Hosts and HID Devices. This ensures seamless communication and interaction between HID devices and their corresponding hosts, allowing for the efficient utilization of HID features over a BLE 5.0 connection. The revision history of the HID Service Specification indicates the evolution of the document over time, with various updates and revisions to ensure accuracy and relevance. From the initial draft to subsequent reviews and comments, the document has been refined to provide the most up-to-date information on HID service implementation over BLE 5.0. Overall, the HID Service Specification plays a crucial role in guiding developers and manufacturers in the creation of HID devices that leverage the capabilities of Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0. By adhering to the guidelines and protocols outlined in this document, HID devices can seamlessly integrate with HID hosts, providing a robust and reliable user experience for consumers. Developers are encouraged to reference this specification when designing and implementing HID functionality over BLE 5.0 to ensure compatibility and compliance with industry standards.
2014-08-04 上传
│ ANP_SPEC_V10.pdf │ ANS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ AVRCP_SPEC_V14r00.pdf │ BAS_SPEC_V10 (2).pdf │ BLP_V10r00.pdf │ BLS_V10r00.pdf │ CPP_V10.pdf │ CPS_V10.pdf │ CSCP_SPEC_V10.pdf │ CSCS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ CTS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ DIS_SPEC_V11r00.pdf │ FMP_SPEC_V10.pdf │ GLP_SPEC_V10.pdf │ GLS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ GOEP_SPEC_V1.1.pdf │ HIDS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ HOGP_SPEC_V10.pdf │ HRP_V10.pdf │ HRS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ HTP_V10.pdf │ HTS V10.pdf │ IAS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ LLS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ LNP_V10.pdf │ LNS_V10.pdf │ NDCS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ PASP_SPEC_V10.pdf │ PASS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ PXP_SPEC_V10.pdf │ RSCP_SPEC_V10.pdf │ RSCS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ RTUS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ ScPP_SPEC_V10.pdf │ ScPS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ TIP_SPEC_V10.pdf │ TPS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ tree.txt │ ├─3DSP=3D Synchronization Profile │ 3DS_SPEC_V10.pdf │ 3DS_SPEC_V101.pdf │ ├─A2DP=Advanced Audio Distribution Profile │ A2DP spec v10.pdf │ A2DP_SPEC_V12.pdf │ A2DP_SPEC_V13.pdf │ ├─AVCTP=AV Control Transport (Qualifiable) │ AVCTP Spec v1_0.pdf │ AVCTP_SPEC_V12.pdf │ AVCTP_SPEC_V13r00.pdf │ AVCTP_SPEC_V14.pdf │ ├─AVDTP=AV Distribution Transport (Qualifiable) │ AVDTP Spec v10.pdf │ AVDTP_SPEC_V12.pdf │ AVDTP_SPEC_V13.pdf │ ├─AVRCP=AV Remote Control Profile │ AVRCP Spec v10.pdf │ AVRCP_SPEC_V13.pdf │ AVRCP_SPEC_V14r00.pdf │ AVRCP_SPEC_V15.pdf │ ├─BIP=Basic Imaging Profile │ BIP_Spec_1_0_Final_a_2003_07_25.pdf │ BIP_SPEC_V11r00.pdf │ BIP_SPEC_V12.pdf │ ├─BNEP=Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol (Qualifiable) │ BNEP Specification.pdf │ ├─BPP=Basic Printing Profile │ BPP_SPEC_V10.pdf │ BPP_SPEC_V12r00.pdf │ ├─Core │ Core v2.0 + EDR.pdf │ Core_V2.1+EDR.pdf │ Core_V3.0 + HS.pdf │ Core_V4.0.pdf │ Core_v4.1.pdf │ ├─DI=Device ID Profile │ DeviceID_SPEC_V13.pdf │ DI_SPEC_V12r00.pdf │ ├─DUN=Dial-Up Networking Profile │ DUN_SPEC_V12.pdf │

请详细解释下面这段代码:作者:BINGO Hong 链接:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/61795416 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 def make_model(self): x = Input(shape=(self.P, self.m)) # CNN,普通卷积,无casual-dilation c = Conv1D(self.hidC, self.Ck, activation='relu')(x) c = Dropout(self.dropout)(c) # RNN, 普通RNN r = GRU(self.hidR)(c) r = Lambda(lambda k: K.reshape(k, (-1, self.hidR)))(r) r = Dropout(self.dropout)(r) # skip-RNN,以skip为周期的RNN,需要对数据进行变换 if self.skip > 0: # c: batch_size*steps*filters, steps=P-Ck s = Lambda(lambda k: k[:, int(-self.pt*self.skip):, :])(c) s = Lambda(lambda k: K.reshape(k, (-1, self.pt, self.skip, self.hidC)))(s) s = Lambda(lambda k: K.permute_dimensions(k, (0,2,1,3)))(s) # 这里设置时间步长为周期数目self.pt,时序关系以周期间隔递进,输入维度为self.hidC s = Lambda(lambda k: K.reshape(k, (-1, self.pt, self.hidC)))(s) s = GRU(self.hidS)(s) s = Lambda(lambda k: K.reshape(k, (-1, self.skip*self.hidS)))(s) s = Dropout(self.dropout)(s) # 合并RNN及Skip-RNN r = concatenate([r,s]) res = Dense(self.m)(r) # highway,模型线性AR if self.hw > 0: z = Lambda(lambda k: k[:, -self.hw:, :])(x) z = Lambda(lambda k: K.permute_dimensions(k, (0,2,1)))(z) # hw设置以7天(self.hw=7)的值做为特征,利用Dense求预测量 z = Lambda(lambda k: K.reshape(k, (-1, self.hw)))(z) z = Dense(1)(z) z = Lambda(lambda k: K.reshape(k, (-1, self.m)))(z) res = add([res, z]) if self.output != 'no': res = Activation(self.output)(res) model = Model(inputs=x, outputs=res) model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=self.lr, clipnorm=self.clip), loss=self.loss) # print(model.summary()) # plot_model(model, to_file="LSTNet_model.png", show_shapes=True) return model

2023-07-10 上传