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The Central Europe Management Forum serves as a platform for discussion and collaboration between European and Chinese business leaders, academics, and policymakers. This forum aims to enhance mutual understanding and cooperation in various areas such as governance, technology, and finance.
One of the notable speakers at the forum is Michael Jacobi, the CFO of Ciba Specialty Chemicals. Jacobi highlighted the importance of investor relations in his speech, emphasizing that effective communication with investors plays a crucial role in the success of a company. He shared his experience at Ciba, where he dedicates a significant amount of his time to investor relations.
Through his speech, Jacobi encouraged other business leaders to prioritize investor relations and to establish transparent and open communication channels with their investors. By doing so, companies can build trust, attract investment, and ultimately, drive sustainable growth and success in the long run.
Overall, the Central Europe Management Forum provides a valuable platform for exchanging ideas, sharing best practices, and fostering collaboration between European and Chinese business communities. Through continued engagement and dialogue, this forum can contribute to the development of stronger and more resilient partnerships between the two regions.
2021-10-05 上传
2021-10-07 上传
2021-09-10 上传
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