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摘要: 现代经济快节奏发展以及不断完善升级的信息化技术,让传统数据信息的管理升级为软件存储,归纳,集中处理数据信息的管理方式。本母婴商城系统就是在这样的大环境下诞生,其可以帮助管理者在短时间内处理完毕庞大的数据信息,使用这种软件工具可以帮助管理人员提高事务处理效率,达到事半功倍的效果。此母婴商城系统利用当下成熟完善的 SSM 框架,使用跨平台的可开发大型商业网站的 Java 语言,以及最受欢迎的 RDBMS 应用软件之一的 Mysql 数据库进行程序开发。母婴商城系统的开发根据操作人员需要设计的界面简洁美观,在功能模块布局上跟同类型网站保持一致,程序在实现基本要求功能时,也为数据信息面临的安全问题提供了一些实用的解决方案。可以说该程序在帮助管理者高效率地处理工作事务的同时,也实现了数据信息的整体化,规范化与自动化。 关键词: 母婴商城系统;SSM 框架;Mysql;自动化 Abstract: The fast-paced development of the modern economy and the continuous improvement of information technology have transformed traditional data management into software-based storage, summarization, and centralized processing of data information. This maternal and infant mall system is born in such a environment, which helps managers process vast amounts of data information in a short period of time. This software tool can help improve transaction processing efficiency and achieve a multiplier effect. This maternal and infant mall system uses the mature and robust SSM framework, the Java language that is cross-platform and suitable for developing large-scale commercial websites, and the widely popular RDBMS application software, Mysql, for program development. The development of the maternal and infant mall system designs a simple and beautiful interface based on the needs of the operators and keeps the layout of functional modules consistent with other similar websites. When implementing the basic required functions, the program also provides practical solutions for the security issues faced by data information. It can be said that this program not only helps managers efficiently process work transactions, but also achieves the overall integration, standardization, and automation of data information. Keywords: Maternal and infant mall system; SSM framework; Mysql; Automation