Gouraud-Shaded Texturing
Transparency and Alpha Blending
Using Lookup Tables for Alpha Blending
Supporting Alpha Blending at the Object Level
Adding Alpha to the Terrain Generator for Fun
Perspective-Correct Texturing and 1/z-Buffering
Mathematical Foundations for Perspective Texture Mapping
Adding 1/z-Buffering Support to the Rasterizers
Implementing Perfect Perspective Mapping
Implementing Linear Piecewise Perspective Mapping
Exploring Quadratic Approximations for Perspective Texturing
Optimizing Texturing with Hybrid Approaches
Bilinear Texture Filtering
Mip Mapping and Trilinear Texture Filtering
Introduction to Fourier Analysis and Aliasing
Creating the Mip Map Chain
Mip Map Selection and Setup
Trilinear Filtering
Multiple Pass Rendering and Texturing
Wrapping Things Up with a Single Call
The New Rendering Context
Setting Up the Rendering Context
Making the Call to Render the Rendering Context
13 Spatial Partitioning and Visibility Algorithms 1307
The New Game Engine Module
Introduction to Spatial Partitioning and Visible Surface Determination1308
The Binary Space Partition
Axis-Aligned Binary Space Partitioning
Arbitrary Plane Space Partitioning
Polygon-Aligned Space Partitioning
Displaying/Visiting Each Node of a BSP Tree
The BSP Tree Functions and Data Structures
Creating the BSP Tree
Splitting Strategies
Traversing and Displaying the BSP Tree
Integrating BSP Tree into the Graphics Pipeline
The BSP Level Editor
Limitations of the BSP
Zero Overdraw Strategies Using BSP Trees
Contents xv