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资源摘要信息:"my-games-list" 在本节中,我们将详细探讨与标题"my-games-list"相关联的描述中提供的知识点。这些知识点主要涉及到Linux环境下软件开发和部署时所必需的系统库安装、数据库安装、开发工具安装以及开发环境的配置等方面。 1. 系统库安装 描述中提到的第一个步骤是安装一系列系统依赖库。这里涉及到的库包括: - curl:一个用于传输数据的工具,常用命令行方式操作。 - npm:Node.js的包管理器,用于安装Node.js应用程序所需的包。 - libpq-dev:PostgreSQL数据库的开发库,用于为基于C语言的应用程序提供访问PostgreSQL数据库的功能。 - python3-dev:Python 3的开发包,它包含了Python库的头文件和静态库,这对于需要编译Python扩展模块的应用程序至关重要。 - build-essential:包含了一些编译软件所必需的工具包,比如make,gcc(g++是其C++编译器)等。 - libmemcached-dev:memcached的开发库,memcached是一种常用的高性能分布式内存对象缓存系统。 - libjpeg-dev:JPEG图片格式的开发库,对于处理JPEG图片的应用程序是必需的。 2. PostgreSQL数据库安装 PostgreSQL是一种开源的对象关系数据库系统,描述中指导用户如何安装PostgreSQL服务器及其附加组件postgresql-contrib,后者提供了一些额外的功能和模块。 3. pgAdmin III安装(可选) pgAdmin是PostgreSQL数据库的一种图形界面管理工具,提供了图形化的界面来管理PostgreSQL服务器。此步骤为可选安装,这取决于用户是否偏好使用图形界面而非命令行界面进行数据库管理。 4. Heroku工具带安装 Heroku是一个支持多种编程语言的云平台即服务(PaaS),用于构建、运行和管理应用程序。描述中提供了一种快速安装Heroku工具带的方法,它包括一系列命令行工具,使开发者能够利用Heroku的各种功能,如部署应用、管理应用程序等。该步骤通过wget命令下载并执行了一个shell脚本。 5. 开发环境设置 最后,描述中还指导用户安装了Python的两个重要组件: - python-pip:Python的包管理工具,用于安装和管理Python包。 - python-virtualenv:一个Python环境虚拟化工具,允许用户创建隔离的Python环境。这对于使用不同版本的Python或不同包集的项目非常有用,因为每个项目都可以有自己独立的依赖环境,互不干扰。 描述中的最后一个指令被截断了,但我们可以推测这是一个Git克隆命令,用于从Git仓库中下载项目代码。这通常是在设置开发环境的最后一步,以便于获取项目源代码并开始工作。 总结以上信息,本节内容为我们提供了一个系统化的视图,涵盖了一个典型的软件开发项目在Linux环境下所需的开发和部署准备工作。从系统库到数据库,再到平台服务工具和开发环境的配置,每一步都至关重要,它们共同构成了开发人员进行高效开发的基础架构。

The following is the data that you can add to your input file (as an example). Notice that the first line is going to be a line representing your own hobbies. In my case, it is the Vitaly,table tennis,chess,hacking line. Your goal is to create a class called Student. Every Student will contain a name (String) and an ArrayList<String> storing hobbies. Then, you will add all those students from the file into an ArrayList<Student>, with each Student having a separate name and ArrayList of hobbies. Here is an example file containing students (the first line will always represent yourself). NOTE: eventually, we will have a different file containing all our real names and hobbies so that we could find out with how many people each of us share the same hobby. Vitaly,table tennis,chess,hacking Sean,cooking,guitar,rainbow six Nolan,gym,piano,reading,video games Jack,cooking,swimming,music Ray,piano,video games,volleyball Emily,crochet,drawing,gardening,tuba,violin Hudson,anime,video games,trumpet Matt,piano,Reading,video games,traveling Alex,swimming,video games,saxophone Roman,piano,dancing,art Teddy,chess,lifting,swimming Sarah,baking,reading,singing,theatre Maya,violin,knitting,reading,billiards Amy,art,gaming,guitar,table tennis Daniel,video games,tennis,soccer,biking,trumpet Derek,cooking,flute,gaming,swimming,table tennis Daisey,video games,guitar,cleaning,drawing,animated shows,reading,shopping Lily,flute,ocarina,video games,baking Stella,roller skating,sudoku,watching baseball,harp Sophie,viola,ukulele,piano,video games Step 2. Sort the student list in the ascending order of student names and print them all on the screen After reading the file and storing the data in an ArrayList<Student>, your program should sort the ArrayList<Student> in alphabetical order based on their names and then print the students' data (please see an example below). As you can see, here is the list of all students printed in alphabetical order based on their names and hobbies. You are not going to have yourself printed in this list (as you can see, this list does not have Vitaly). Alex: [swimming, video games, saxophone] Amy: [art, gaming, guitar] Daisey: [video games, guitar, cleaning, drawing, animated shows, reading, shopping] Daniel: [video games, tennis, soccer, biking, trumpet] Derek: [cooking, flute, gaming, swimming] Emily: [crochet, drawing, gardening, tuba, violin] Hudson: [anime, video games, trumpet] Jack: [cooking, swimming, music] Lily: [flute, ocarina, video games, baking] Matt: [piano, Reading, video games, traveling] Maya: [violin, knitting, reading, billiards] Nolan: [gym, piano, reading, video games] Ray: [piano, video games, volleyball] Roman: [piano, dancing, art] Sarah: [baking, reading, singing, theatre] Sean: [cooking, guitar, rainbow six] Sophie: [viola, ukulele, piano, video games] Stella: [roller skating, sudoku, watching baseball, harp] Teddy: [chess, lifting, swimming] Step 3. Find all students who share the same hobby with you and print them all on the screen Finally, your program should print the information related to the students who share the same hobby as you. In my case, it would be the following based on the above-mentioned file. There are 0 students sharing the same hobby called "hacking" with me. There are 1 students (Teddy) sharing the same hobby called "chess" with me. There are 2 students (Amy, Derek) sharing the same hobby called "table tennis" with me.

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