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《Functional C#》是一本专门介绍如何在C#中采用函数式编程风格的教程。本书旨在帮助读者理解和掌握函数式编程的核心概念,以便将其融入到C#编程实践中。以下章节概述了书中的主要内容: 1. **品尝函数式风格**:章节开篇介绍了函数式编程的基本概念,包括定义、脚本和会话的概念,以及如何通过代入和简化来评估表达式。这部分强调了函数在函数式编程中的关键作用。 2. **理解函数**:详细解释了用于函数式编程的不同函数类型,如形成定义、Currying(柯里化,将接受多个参数的函数转换为一系列只接受单个参数的函数)等,并与命令式(imperative)编程进行了比较,突出了函数式编程的独特性。 3. **C#编译器准备**:讲解了如何调整C#编译器以支持函数式编程,确保代码能正确解析和执行。 4. **函数式编程基础**:深入讨论了第一类和更高阶函数的概念,即函数作为数据(first-class functions)和函数值。同时,纯函数(没有副作用,总是返回相同结果的函数)和递归函数的重要性也在这一部分得到强调。 5. **数学思维与函数式编程**:通过数学概念帮助读者理解函数式编程的思维方式,比如使用元组(tuples)在C#中实现类似功能。 6. **Currying与管道操作**:Currying在C#中的应用示例,以及如何利用管道操作(pipeline)进行代码链式调用,提高代码的可读性和简洁性。 7. **从命令式到函数式**:展示了如何逐步将命令式代码转换为函数式风格,让读者理解两种编程范式的差异和优势。 这本书适合那些希望扩展C#编程技能,特别是想要了解和实践函数式编程的开发者。它不仅提供了理论知识,还包含实际示例,使读者能够立即在实际项目中应用所学。读者在阅读过程中可以享受到作者和审稿人的专业指导,同时还能通过PacktPub网站获取更多资源和支持。务必确保遵循版权规定,不要进行盗版行为,并可以通过网站提交问题或反馈。
2018-03-19 上传
Chapter 1, Tasting Functional Style in C#, introduces the functional programming approach by discussing its concepts and the comparison between functional and imperative programming. We also try to refactor a simple imperative code into a functional approach. Chapter 2, Walkthrough Delegates, covers the definition, syntax, and use of delegates. We also discuss the variance of delegates and the built-in delegate. Chapter 3, Expressing Anonymous Methods with Lambda Expressions, walks us through the concept of delegates and uses it to create and use an anonymous method. After we dig through the anonymous method, we can transform it into a lambda expression and then apply it to functional programming. Chapter 4, Extending Object Functionality with Extension Methods, elaborates the benefits of using the extension method in functional programming. Before that, we discuss the use of the extension method and also discuss how to get this new method in IntelliSense. Also, we try to invoke the extension method from other assemblies. Chapter 5, Querying Any Collection Easily with LINQ, enumerates the LINQ operator provided by C# and compares the two LINQ syntaxes: Fluent Syntax and Query Expression Syntax. We also discuss deferred execution in the LINQ process. Chapter 6, Enhancing the Responsiveness of the Functional Program with Asynchronous Programming, covers asynchronous programming for the functional approach. It will explain the Asynchronous Programming Model and the Task-based Asynchronous pattern. Chapter 7, Learning Recursion, explains the advantages of recursion over the loop sequence. We also discuss direct and indirect recursion in this chapter. Chapter 8, Optimizing the Code Using Laziness and Caching Techniques, covers the technique used to optimize the code in the functional approach. We talk about laziness thinking and the caching technique in order to optimize our code. Chapter 9, Working with Pattern, covers the advantages of using patterns compared to conventional switch-case operations. We discuss pattern matching and monad in this chapter. We use the pattern matching feature, which is the new feature provided by C# 7. Chapter 10, Taking an Action in C# Functional Programming, walks us through developing functional code based on given imperative code. We use our learning in the previous chapter to create an application using the functional approach. Chapter 11, Coding Best Practice and Testing the Functional Code, explains the best practice in the functional approach, including the creation of an honest signature and dealing with the side-effects. We also separate the code into domain logic and mutable shell and then test it using unit testing.
2018-05-10 上传
原版pdf Summary Functional Programming in C# teaches you to apply functional thinking to real-world problems using the C# language. The book, with its many practical examples, is written for proficient C# programmers with no prior FP experience. It will give you an awesome new perspective. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Functional programming changes the way you think about code. For C# developers, FP techniques can greatly improve state management, concurrency, event handling, and long-term code maintenance. And C# offers the flexibility that allows you to benefit fully from the application of functional techniques. This book gives you the awesome power of a new perspective. About the Book Functional Programming in C# teaches you to apply functional thinking to real-world problems using the C# language. You'll start by learning the principles of functional programming and the language features that allow you to program functionally. As you explore the many practical examples, you'll learn the power of function composition, data flow programming, immutable data structures, and monadic composition with LINQ. What's Inside Write readable, team-friendly code Master async and data streams Radically improve error handling Event sourcing and other FP patterns About the Reader Written for proficient C# programmers with no prior FP experience. About the Author Enrico Buonanno studied computer science at Columbia University and has 15 years of experience as a developer, architect, and trainer. Table of Contents