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基于EJB3.0的分布式网上购物系统毕业设计.doc是一份致力于解决网上商城系统在信息处理和访问量承受上的难题的毕业设计文档。随着因特网的快速发展,网上商城的功能不断增加,同时也承载着越来越多的访问量。为了应对这一挑战,需要采用分布式系统来处理庞大的信息流量。EJB 3.0规范为开发和部署基于分布式架构的服务器端软件组件提供了一种有效的解决方案,其支持事务处理和分布式对象应用程序的构建。本文档旨在基于EJB 3.0规范构建一个可靠的,高性能的分布式网上购物系统。
关键词:Java,EJB 3.0,Servlet,分布式,网上书城
With the rapid development of the Internet, online stores are facing the challenge of handling increasing amounts of information and serving a growing number of visitors. A single server often cannot handle the tremendous volume of visits, leading to the necessity of adopting a distributed system. The EJB 3.0 specification provides an effective architecture for developing and deploying server-side software components based on distributed and transactional systems. This makes it well-suited for building large-scale distributed websites. This graduation project document aims to utilize the EJB 3.0 specification to construct a reliable and high-performance distributed online shopping system.
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