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The topic of this graduation project (thesis) is the design of a remote monitoring and control sampling subsystem for card swiping sewage based on Internet of Things technology. With the worsening pollution problems in various areas such as industry and daily life, environmental pollution has the characteristics of "comprehensive, all-weather, and all-round", and the management work is “multi-point, extensive, and large quantity”. In order to effectively monitor the pollution sources (COD, pH value, ammonia nitrogen content) and control emissions and sample collection, we have adopted modern high-tech methods of scientification, informationization, and automation. Specifically designed for on-site control requirements, we have developed a pollution and sampling automatic control system based on Internet of Things technology to achieve reasonable pollution fees and information management. The practical application has shown that the system has high accuracy and stable operation. Through efficient communication between the upper computer and lower computer via GPRS network, automated control of pollution and sampling has been achieved. This system is one of the contributions to the development of green and environmentally friendly Internet of Things that we advocate.
Keywords: environmental pollution, Internet of Things, GPRS
In conclusion, the design of the remote monitoring and control sampling subsystem for card swiping sewage based on Internet of Things technology provides a scientific and technological solution to the challenges of monitoring and managing pollution sources. By integrating modern high-tech methods, this system not only ensures accurate and stable operation but also contributes to the promotion of green and sustainable environmental protection practices through the application of Internet of Things technology.
2021-09-16 上传
2023-06-28 上传
2023-07-09 上传
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