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Subsystem and Multi-Channel PCIe RDMA Subsystem are designed to provide high-performance, low-latency, and low-jitter video capture and display capabilities utilizing PCIe-DMA technology. The subsystems are based on the PCI Express Integrated Block and offer independent multi-channel, high-performance Continous or Scather GatherDMA using DMA address queues and DMA Ring buffers, respectively. Both subsystems provide FIFO/AXI4-Stream user interfaces for seamless integration. The video capture and display subsystem can simultaneously capture multiple video signals in real time and store them in the video capture queue. With efficient hard real-time video frame management and PCIe C2H DMA engine, the captured video frames can be transferred in real time to the host machine's capture buffer. The subsystem also utilizes a high-performance PCIe H2C DMA engine to read video frames from the host machine's display buffer and store them in the video display queue. It can also synchronize with external hardware display timing pulses to access the video display queue and output video frames according to the display timing pulses. For multi-channel video capture and display, standard Linux V4L2 video drivers can be used on the host machine to facilitate the capture and display of multiple video signals. The subsystems' capabilities make it suitable for a wide range of applications, including real-time video monitoring, surveillance, and high-performance video processing. Its low-latency and low-jitter features make it an ideal solution for applications that demand high-quality, real-time video capture and display.