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在现代企业的网络环境中,随着规模扩大和信息化的深入,网络设备数量剧增,且来自多个厂商,如思科、华为、迪普等,对网络设备的管理和安全要求变得极其重要。网络安全威胁的加剧,如美国安全部提及的网络入侵和攻击风险,使得个人和企业信息面临严重威胁,关键业务运营受到干扰,经济成本也随之攀升。为了应对这些挑战,等级保护标准如三级以上的双因素认证和特定行业如电力监控系统的安全规定,都提出了严格的设备运维要求。 在这个背景下,AAA(Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting)协议应运而生,它是一种客户端/服务器模型的协议,用于在网络访问控制和安全审计中发挥作用。AAA的主要功能包括: 1. **认证(Authentication)**:确保用户接入网络时提供了有效且合法的身份凭证,这是访问权限的第一道防线。 2. **授权(Authorization)**:基于用户成功认证,AAA服务器会根据用户的权限分配服务,如分配特定VLAN、ACL列表或TAG标签,进一步限制用户对网络资源的访问,加强安全过滤。 3. **审计(Accounting)**:AAA通过记录用户的操作行为,如同生活中的监控摄像头,追踪用户活动,保障网络操作的可追溯性和责任归属。 思科的ISE(身份服务引擎)就是一个实例,专为复杂网络接入环境设计,能对有线、无线及各类无线终端进行细致的访问控制和安全评估。在AAA架构中,NAS(Network Access Server)作为客户端与服务器之间的桥梁,负责转发用户的认证请求至AAA服务器,同时接收并执行服务器返回的授权和审计指令。 使用AAA协议和专门的网络安全产品如思科的ISE,能够帮助企业提升网络设备的管理和安全性,满足等级保护要求,降低信息安全风险,确保网络资源的可控性和合规性。随着网络环境的不断演变,对AAA协议的理解和应用将更加关键,以适应日益复杂和多变的网络安全挑战。
2020-02-08 上传
实验报告包含详细的实验截图和命令 Task 1: Configure Local AAA Authentication for Console Access on R1 Step 1. Test connectivity. · Ping from PC-A to PC-B. · Ping from PC-A to PC-C. · Ping from PC-B to PC-C. Step 2. Configure a local username on R1. Configure a username of Admin1 and secret password of admin1pa55. Step 3. Configure local AAA authentication for console access on R1. nable AAA on R1 and configure AAA authentication for console login to use the local database. Step 4. Configure the line console to use the defined AAA authentication method. Enable AAA on R1 and configure AAA authentication for console login to use the default method list. Step 5. Verify the AAA authentication method. Verify the user EXEC login using the local database. Task 2: Configure Local AAA Authentication for VTY Lines on R1 Step 1. Configure a named list AAA authentication method for VTY lines on R1. Configure a named list called TELNET-LOGIN to authenticate logins using local AAA. Step 2. Configure the VTY lines to use the defined AAA authentication method. Configure the VTY lines to use the named AAA method. Step 3. Verify the AAA authentication method. Verify the Telnet configuration. From the command prompt of PC-A, Telnet to R1. Task 3: Configure Server-Based AAA Authentication Using TACACS+ on R2 Step 1. Configure a backup local database entry called Admin. For backup purposes, configure a local username of Admin and secret password of adminpa55. Step 2. Verify the TACACS+ Server configuration. Select the TACACS+ Server. From the Config tab, click on AAA and notice that there is a Network configuration entry for R2 and a User Setup entry for Admin2. Step 3. Configure the TACACS+ server specifics on R2. Configure the AAA TACACS server IP address and secret key on R2. Step 4. Configure AAA login authentication for console access on R2. Enable AAA on R2 and configure all logins to authenticate using the AAA TACACS+ server and if not available, then use the local database. Step 5. Configure the line console to use the defined AAA authentication method. Configure AAA authentication for console login to use the default AAA authentication method. Step 6. Verify the AAA authentication method. Verify the user EXEC login using the AAA TACACS+ server. Task 4: Configure Server-Based AAA Authentication Using RADIUS on R3 Step 1. Configure a backup local database entry called Admin. For backup purposes, configure a local username of Admin and secret password of adminpa55. Step 2. Verify the RADIUS Server configuration. Select the RADIUS Server. From the Config tab, click on AAA and notice that there is a Network configuration entry for R3 and a User Setup entry for Admin3. Step 3. Configure the RADIUS server specifics on R3. Configure the AAA RADIUS server IP address and secret key on R3. Step 4. Configure AAA login authentication for console access on R3. Enable AAA on R3 and configure all logins to authenticate using the AAA RADIUS server and if not available, then use the local database. Step 5. Configure the line console to use the defined AAA authentication method. Configure AAA authentication for console login to use the default AAA authentication method. Step 6. Verify the AAA authentication method. Verify the user EXEC login using the AAA TACACS+ server. Step 7. Check results.