精通Entity Framework Core:现代数据访问与实战

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"Modern Data Access with Entity Framework Core--2018" 本书《Modern Data Access with Entity Framework Core》是关于使用C#进行数据库编程的技术指南,适用于.NET、.NET Core、UWP(通用Windows平台)以及Xamarin开发者。作者Holger Schwichtenberg提供了深入的实践指导,帮助读者理解和掌握Entity Framework Core的核心概念。 Entity Framework Core是微软开发的一款轻量级、高性能的ORM(对象关系映射)框架,它允许开发者用面向对象的方式来操作数据库,而无需直接编写SQL语句。通过Entity Framework Core,开发者可以将业务逻辑与数据访问层分离,提高代码的可读性和可维护性。 在本书中,读者将学习到以下关键知识点: 1. **基础概念**:理解Entity Framework Core的基本架构,包括上下文(DbContext)、实体(Entities)、数据库上下文配置(DbContext Configuration)以及映射(Mapping)。 2. **数据库模型和对象模型的关系**:探讨如何对现有数据库进行逆向工程,即从现有的数据库结构生成EF Core模型,以及如何进行正向工程,即从对象模型生成数据库架构。 3. **案例研究**:通过真实世界的案例分析,提供实践性的EF Core教学,帮助读者将理论知识应用于实际项目。 4. **数据库访问场景**:学习如何利用EF Core处理各种数据库访问场景,如CRUD操作(创建、读取、更新和删除),以及更复杂的查询和事务管理。 5. **功能扩展**:发现和应用针对EF Core中缺失功能的解决方案,增强框架的功能。 6. **移动应用开发**:了解如何在Xamarin应用中使用Entity Framework Core,实现跨平台的数据访问。 7. **附录**:书中包含一个在线附录,专门介绍Entity Framework Core 2.1版本的更新和改进,帮助读者保持对最新技术的了解。 本书旨在帮助开发者充分利用Entity Framework Core的强大功能,提升开发效率,同时降低与数据库交互的复杂性。无论你是.NET框架的老手还是刚接触ORM的新手,这本书都将为你提供宝贵的指导和实用的代码示例。
2019-01-13 上传
Modern Data Access with Entity Framework Core: Database Programming Techniques for .NET, .NET Core, UWP, and Xamarin with C# By 作者: Holger Schwichtenberg ISBN-10 书号: 1484235517 ISBN-13 书号: 9781484235515 Edition 版本: 1st ed. 出版日期: 2018-10-05 pages 页数: 665 Modern Data Access with Entity Framework Core: Database Programming Techniques for .NET, .NET Core, UWP, and Xamarin with C# C# developers, here’s your opportunity to learn the ins-and-outs of Entity Framework Core, Microsoft’s recently redesigned object-relational mapper. Benefit from hands-on learning that will teach you how to tackle frustrating database challenges, such as workarounds to missing features in Entity Framework Core, and learn how to optimize the performance of your applications, head-on! Modern Data Access with Entity Framework Core teaches best practices, guidance, and shortcuts that will significantly reduce the amount of resources you internally dedicate to programming data access code. The proven methods and tools taught in this book, such as how to get better performance, and the ability to select the platform of your choice, will save you valuable time and allow you to create seamless data access. Dive into succinct guidance that covers the gamut– from installing Entity Framework Core, reverse engineering, forward engineering (including schema migrations), and data reading and modification with LINQ, Dynamic LINQ, SQL, Stored Procedures, and Table Valued Functions- to using third-party products such as LINQPad, Entity Developer, Entity Framework Profiler, EFPlus, and AutoMapper. You’ll also appreciate excerpts of conceptual software architecture discussion around Entity Framework Core that might otherwise take years to learn. What You’ll Learn Understand the core concepts of Entity Framework Core, as well process models for existing databases (reverse engineering) and the generation of database schemas from object models (forward engineering) Study real-world case studies for hands-on EF Core instruction Get up to speed with valuable database access scenarios and code samples Discover workarounds to augment missing features in Entity Framework Core Use Entity Framework Core to write mobile apps Bonus online appendix covers Entity Framework Core 2.1 release updates Who This Book Is For Software developers who have basic experience with .NET and C#, as well as some understanding of relational databases. Knowledge of predecessor technologies such as ADO.NET and the classic ADO.NET Entity Framework is not necessary to learn from this book. Cover Frontmatter 1. Introducing Entity Framework Core 2. Installing Entity Framework Core 3. Concepts of Entity Framework Core 4. Reverse Engineering of Existing Databases (Database First Development) 5. Forward Engineering for New Databases 6. Customizing the Database Schema 7. Database Schema Migrations 8. Reading Data with LINQ 9. Object Relationships and Loading Strategies 10. Inserting, Deleting, and Modifying Records 11. Preventing Conflicts(Concurrency) 12. Logging 13. Asynchronous Programming 14. Dynamic LINQ Queries 15. Reading and Modifying Data with SQL, Stored Procedures, and Table-Valued Functions 16. Tips and Tricks for Mapping 17. Performance Tuning 18. Software Architecture with Entity Framework Core 19. Commercial Tools 20. Additional Components Case Studies Internet Resources New Features in Entity Framework Core2.1 Backmatter