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Ball and Beam System Controller Design and MATLAB Simulation.pdf focuses on designing a fuzzy controller to control the motion of a ball on a beam in order to analyze the performance of the controller. The paper begins with an analysis of the structure and basic principles of the ball and beam system, followed by the establishment of a simplified model of the system. Utilizing fuzzy control principles, fuzzy control rules for the system are established and a fuzzy controller is designed. A simulation model of the controller is then created in MATLAB to test the control performance of the system.
In order to address the inherent instability of the ball and beam system, a closed-loop feedback control loop is added during simulation. This not only enhances the stability of the system but also improves the control accuracy. Compared to traditional control methods, fuzzy control offers unique advantages and is more in line with human thinking. Integration of the ball and beam system, a classic case in control theory research, with fuzzy control allows for a better demonstration of the excellent characteristics of fuzzy control in automatic control.
Keywords: Ball and Beam System; Fuzzy Control; MATLAB Modeling
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