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“2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference.pdf”是USENIX协会主办的一次计算机行业的年度技术会议的会议记录。会议包含了计算领域的教程、单轨技术会议,用于展示经过同行评审的研究论文,还包括专业兴趣小组(SIG)会议和BoFs(Birds of a Feather,同好会)讨论。
会议的出版物,即“2018 USENIX年度技术会议”的会议记录,具有ISBN 978-1-931971-44-7,由USENIX协会出版,并且遵循特定的版权规则。作者或作者的雇主保留对各自论文的权利,但允许非商业性的复制用于教育或研究目的。个人可以打印一份会议记录供个人独家使用。
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Tributary: spot-dancing for elastic services with latency SLOs
Aaron Harlap
Andrew Chung
Alexey Tumanov
Gregory R. Ganger
Phillip B. Gibbons
Carnegie Mellon University
UC Berkeley
The Tributary elastic control system embraces the uncer-
tain nature of transient cloud resources, such as AWS
spot instances, to manage elastic services with latency
SLOs more robustly and more cost-effectively. Such
resources are available at lower cost, but with the pro-
viso that they can be preempted en masse, making them
risky to rely upon for business-critical services. Tribu-
tary creates models of preemption likelihood and exploits
the partial independence among different resource of-
ferings, selecting collections of resource allocations that
satisfy SLO requirements and adjusting them over time,
as client workloads change. Although Tributary’s col-
lections are often larger than required in the absence of
preemptions, they are cheaper because of both lower spot
costs and partial refunds for preempted resources. At the
same time, the often-larger sets allow unexpected work-
load bursts to be absorbed without SLO violation. Over
a range of web service workloads, we find that Tribu-
tary reduces cost for achieving a given SLO by 81–86%
compared to traditional scaling on non-preemptible re-
sources, and by 47–62% compared to the high-risk ap-
proach of the same scaling with spot resources.
1 Introduction
Elastic web services have been a cloud computing sta-
ple from the beginning, adaptively scaling the number
of machines used over time based on time-varying client
workloads. Generally, an adaptive scaling policy seeks to
use just the number of machines required to achieve its
Service Level Objectives (SLOs), which are commonly
focused on response latency and ensuring that a given
percentage (e.g., 95%) of requests are responded to in
under a given amount of time [17, 28, 19]. Too many
machines results in unnecessary cost, and too few re-
sults in excess customer dissatisfaction. As such, much
research and development has focused on doing this
well [20, 14, 11, 12, 26].
Elastic service scaling schemes generally assume in-
dependent and infrequent failures, which is a relatively
safe assumption for high-priority allocations in private
clouds and non-preemptible allocations in public clouds
(e.g., on-demand instances in AWS EC2 [3]). This as-
Equal contribution
sumption enables scaling schemes to focus on client
workload and server responsiveness variations in deter-
mining changes to the number of machines needed to
meet SLOs.
Modern clouds also offer transient, preemptible re-
sources (e.g., EC2 Spot Instances [1]) at a discount of
70–80% [6], creating an opportunity for cheaper ser-
vice deployments. But, simply using standard scaling
schemes fails to address the risks associated with such
resources. Namely, preemptions should be expected to
be more frequent than failures and, more importantly,
preemptions often occur in bulk. Akin to co-occurring
failures, bulk preemptions can cause traditional scaling
schemes to have sizable gaps in SLO attainment.
This paper describes Tributary, a new elastic control
system that exploits transient, preemptible resources to
reduce cost and increase robustness to unexpected work-
load bursts. Tributary explicitly recognizes the bulk
preemption risk, and it exploits the fact that preemp-
tions are often not highly correlated across different
pools of resources in heterogeneous clouds. For ex-
ample, in AWS EC2, there is a separate spot market
for each instance type in each availability zone, and re-
searchers have noted that they often move independently:
while preemptions within each spot market are corre-
lated, across spot markets they are not [16]. To safely
use preemptible resources, Tributary acquires collections
of resources drawn from multiple pools, modified as re-
source prices change and preemptions occur, while en-
deavoring to ensure that no single bulk preemption would
cause SLO violation. We refer to this dynamic use of
multiple preemptible resource pools as spot-dancing.
AcquireMgr is Tributary’s component that decides the
resource collection’s makeup. It works with any tradi-
tional scaling policy that determines (reactively or pre-
dictively) how many cores or machines are needed for
each successive period of time, based on client load vari-
ation. AcquireMgr decides which instances will provide
sufficient likelihood of meeting each time period’s tar-
get at the lowest expected cost. Its probabilistic algo-
rithm combines resource cost and preemption probability
predictions for each pool to decide how many resources
to include from each pool, and at what price to bid for
any new resources (relative to the current market price).
USENIX Association 2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 1
Given that a preemption occurs when a market’s spot
price exceeds the bid price given at resource acquisition
time, AcquireMgr can affect the preemption probability
via the delta between its bid price and the current price,
informed by historical pricing trends. In our implemen-
tation, which is specialized to AWS EC2, the predictions
use machine learning (ML) models trained on historical
EC2 Spot Price data. The expected cost of the computa-
tion takes into account EC2’s policy of partial refunds for
preempted instances, which often results in AcquireMgr
choosing high-risk instances and achieving even bigger
savings than just the discount for preemptibility.
In addition to the expected cost savings, Tributary’s
spot-dancing provides a burst tolerance benefit. Any
elastic control scheme has some reaction delay between
an unexpected burst and any resulting addition of re-
sources, which can cause SLO violations. Because Trib-
utary’s resource collection is almost always bigger than
the scaling policy’s most recent target in order to accom-
modate bulk preemptions, extra resources are often avail-
able to handle unexpected bursts. Of course, traditional
elastic control schemes can also acquire extra resources
as a buffer against bursts, but only at a cost, whereas the
extra resources when using Tributary are a bonus side-
effect of AcquireMgr’s robust cost savings scheme.
Results for four real-world web request arrival traces
and real AWS EC2 spot market data demonstrate Tribu-
tary’s cost savings and SLO benefits. For each of three
popular scaling policies (one reactive and two predic-
tive), Tributary’s exploitation of AWS spot instances re-
duces cost by 81–86% compared to traditional scaling
with on-demand instances for achieving a given SLO
(e.g., 95% of requests below 1 second). Compared to un-
safely using traditional scaling with spot instances (AWS
AutoScale [2]) instead of on-demand instances, Tribu-
tary reduces cost by 47–62% for achieving a given SLO.
Compared to other recent systems’ policies for exploit-
ing spot instances to reduce cost [24, 16], Tributary pro-
vides higher SLO attainment at significantly lower cost.
This paper makes four primary contributions. First,
it describes Tributary, the first resource acquisition sys-
tem that takes advantage of preemptible cloud resources
for elastic services with latency SLOs. Second, it in-
troduces AcquireMgr algorithms for composing resource
collections of preemptible resources cost-effectively, ex-
ploiting the partial refund model of EC2’s spot markets.
Third, it introduces a new preemption prediction ap-
proach that our experiments with EC2 spot market price
traces show is significantly more accurate than previous
preemption predictors. Fourth, we show that Tributary’s
approach yields significant cost savings and robustness
benefits relative to other state-of-the-art approaches.
2 Background and Related Work
Elastic services dynamically acquire and release machine
resources to adapt to time-varying client load. We distin-
guish two aspects of elastic control, the scaling policy
and the resource acquisition scheme. The scaling pol-
icy determines, at any point in time, how many resources
the service needs in order to satisfy a given SLO. The
resource acquisition scheme determines which resources
should be allocated and, in some cases, aspects of how
(e.g., bid price or priority level). This section discusses
AWS EC2 spot instances and resource acquisition strate-
gies to put Tributary and its new approach to resource
acquisition into context.
2.1 Preemptible resources in AWS EC2
In addition to non-preemptible, or reliable resources,
most cloud infrastructures offer preemptible resources as
a way to increase utilization in their datacenters. Pre-
emptible resources are made available, on a best-effort
basis, at decreased cost (in for-pay settings) and/or at
lower priority (in private settings). This subsection de-
scribes preemptible resources in AWS EC2, both to pro-
vide a concrete example and because Tributary and most
related work specialize to EC2 behavior.
EC2 offers “on-demand instances”, which are reli-
able VMs billed at a flat per-second rate. EC2 also of-
fers the same VM types as “spot instances”, which are
preemptible but are usually billed at prices significantly
lower (70% - 80%) than the corresponding on-demand
price. EC2 may preempt spot instances at any time, thus
presenting users with a trade-off between reliability (on-
demand) and cost savings (spot).
There are several properties of the AWS EC2 spot mar-
ket behavior that affect customer cost savings and the
likelihood of instance preemption. (1) Each instance type
in each availability zone has a unique AWS-controlled
spot market associated with it, and AWS’s spot mar-
kets are not truly free markets [9]. (2) Price movements
among spot markets are not always correlated, even for
the same instance type in a given region [23]. (3) Cus-
tomers specify a bid in order to acquire a spot instance.
The bid is the maximum price a customer is willing to
pay for an instance in a specific spot market; once a bid
is accepted by AWS, it cannot be modified. (4) A cus-
tomer is billed the spot market price (not the bid price)
for as long as the spot market price for the instance does
not exceed the bid price or until the customer releases
it voluntarily. (5) As of Oct 2nd, 2017, AWS charges
for the usage of an EC2 instance up to the second, with
one exception: if the spot market price of an instance ex-
ceeds the bid price during its first hour, the customer is
refunded fully for its usage. No refund is given if the
spot instance is revoked in any subsequent hour. We de-
fine the period where preemption makes the instance free
2 2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
as the preemption window.
When using EC2 spot instances, the bidding strategy
plays an important role in both cost and preemption prob-
ability. Many bidding strategies for EC2 spot instances
have been studied [9, 33, 30]. The most popular strategy
by far is to bid the on-demand price to minimize the odds
of preemption [23, 21], since AWS charges the market
price rather than the bid price.
2.2 Cloud Resource Acquisition Schemes
Given a target resource count from a scaling policy, a
resource acquisition scheme decides which resources to
acquire based on attributes of resources (e.g., bid price
or priority level). Many elastic control systems assume
that all available resources are equivalent, such as would
be true in a homogeneous cluster, which makes the ac-
quisition scheme trivial. But, some others address re-
source selection and bidding strategy aspects of multi-
ple available options. Tributary’s AcquireMgr employs
novel resource acquisition algorithms, and we discuss re-
lated work here.
AWS AutoScale [2] is a service provided by AWS that
maintains the resource footprint according to the target
determined by a scaling policy. At initialization time,
if using on-demand instances, the user specifies an in-
stance type and availability zone. Whenever the scaling
target changes, AutoScale acquires or releases instances
to reach the new target. If using spot instances, the user
can use a so-called “spot fleet”[4] consisting of multi-
ple instance type and availability zone options. In this
case, the user configures AutoScale to use one of two
strategies. The lowestPrice strategy will always select
cheapest current spot price of the specified options. The
diversified strategy will use an equal number of instances
from each option. Tributary bids aggressively and diver-
sifies based on predicted preemption rates and observed
inter-market correlation, resulting in both higher SLO at-
tainment and lower cost than AutoScale.
Kingfisher [26] uses a cost-aware resource acquisition
scheme based on using integer linear programming to
determine a service’s resource footprint among a het-
erogeneous set of non-preemptible instances with fixed
prices. Tributary also selects from among heterogeneous
options, but addresses the additional challenges and op-
portunities introduced by embracing preemptible tran-
sient resources. Several works have explored ways of
selecting and using spot instances. HotSpot [27] is a re-
source container that allows an application to suspend
and automatically migrate to the most cost-efficient spot
instance. While HotSpot works for single-instance ap-
plications, it is not suitable for elastic services since its
migrations are not coordinated and it does not address
bulk preemptions.
SpotCheck [25] proposes two methods of selecting
spot markets to acquire instances in while always bid-
ding at a configurable multiple of the spot instance’s cor-
responding on-demand price. The first method is greedy
cheapest-first, which picks the cheapest spot market. The
second method is stability-first, which chooses the most
price-stable market based on past market price move-
ment. SpotCheck relies on VM migration and hot spares
(on-demand or otherwise) to address revocations, which
incurs additional cost, while Tributary uses a diverse pool
of spot instances to mitigate revocation risk.
BOSS [32] hosts key-value stores on spot instances
by exploiting price differences across pools in different
data-centers and creating an online algorithm to dynam-
ically size pools within a constant bound of optimal-
ity. Tributary also constructs its resource footprint from
different pools, within and possibly across data-centers.
Whereas BOSS assumes non-changing storage capacity
requirements, Tributary dynamically scales its resource
footprint to maintain the specified latency SLO while
adapting to changes in client workload.
Wang et al. [31] explore strategies to decide whether,
in the face of changing application behavior, it is better to
reserve discounted resources over longer periods or lease
resources at normal rates on a shorter term basis. Their
solution combines on-demand and “reserved” (long term
rental at discount price) instances, neither of which are
ever preempted by Amazon.
ExoSphere [24] is a virtual cluster framework for
spot instances. Its instance acquisition scheme is based
on market portfolio theory, relying on a specified risk
averseness parameter (α). ExoSphere formulates the re-
turn of a spot instance acquisition as the difference be-
tween the on-demand cost and the expected cost based
on past spot market prices. It then tries to maximize the
return of a set of instance allocations with respect to risk,
considering market correlations and α, determining the
fraction of desired resources to allocate in each spot mar-
ket being considered. For a given virtual cluster size,
ExoSphere will acquire the corresponding number of in-
stances from each market at the on-demand price. Unsur-
prisingly, since it was created for a different usage model,
ExoSphere’s scheme is not a great fit for elastic services
with latency SLOs. We implement ExoSphere’s scheme
and show in Section 5.6 that Tributary achieves lower
cost, because it bids aggressively (resulting in more pre-
emptions), and higher SLO attainment, because it explic-
itly predicts preemptions and selects resource sets based
on sufficient tolerance of bulk preemptions.
Proteus [16] is an elastic ML system that combines
on-demand resources with aggressive bidding of spot re-
sources to complete batch ML training jobs faster and
cheaper. Rather than bidding the on-demand price, it bids
close to market price and aggressively selects spot mar-
kets and bid prices that it predicts will result in preemp-
tion, in hopes of getting many partial hours of free re-
USENIX Association 2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 3
sources. The few on-demand resources are used to main-
tain a copy of the dynamic state as spot instances come
and go, and acquisitions are made and used to scale the
parallel computation whenever they would reduce the av-
erage cost per unit work. Although Tributary uses some
of the same mindset (aggressive use of preemptible re-
sources), elastic services with latency SLOs are different
than batch processing jobs; elastic services have a tar-
get resource quantity for each point in time, and having
fewer usually leads to SLO violations, while having more
often provides no benefit. Unsurprisingly, therefore, we
find that Proteus’s scheme is not a great fit for such ser-
vices. We implement Proteus’s acquisition scheme and
show in Section 5.6 that Tributary achieves much higher
SLO attainment, because it understands the resource tar-
get and explicitly uses diversity to mitigate bulk preemp-
tion effects. Tributary also uses a new and much more
accurate preemption predictor.
3 Elastic Control in Tributary
AcquireMgr is Tributary’s resource acquisition compo-
nent, and its approach differentiates Tributary from pre-
vious elastic control systems. It is coupled with a scal-
ing policy, any of many popular options, which provides
the time-varying resource quantity target based on client
load. AcquireMgr uses ML models to predict the pre-
emption probability of resources and exploits the rela-
tive independence of AWS spot markets to account for
potential bulk preemptions by acquiring a diverse mix of
preemptible resources collectively expected to satisfy the
user-specified latency SLO. This section describes how
AcquireMgr composes the resource mix while targeting
minimal cost.
Resource Acquisition. AcquireMgr interacts with
AWS to request and acquire resources. To do so, Ac-
quireMgr builds sets of request vectors. Each request
vector specifies the instance type, availability zone, bid
price, and number of instances to acquire. We call this
an allocation request. An allocation is defined as a set
of instances of the same type acquired at the same time
and price. AcquireMgr’s total footprint, denoted with the
variable A, is a set of such allocations. Resource acqui-
sition decisions are made under four conditions: (1) a
periodic (one-minute) clock event fires, (2) an allocation
reaches the end of its preemption window, (3) the scaling
policy specifies a change in resource requirement, and/or
(4) a preemption occurs. We term these conditions deci-
sion points.
AcquireMgr abstracts away the resource type which
is being optimized for. For the workloads described
in this paper, virtual CPUs (VCPUs) are the bottleneck
resource; however, it is possible to optimize for mem-
ory, network bandwidth, or other resource types instead.
A service using Tributary provides its resource scaling
characteristics to AcquireMgr in the form of a utility
function υ(). This utility function maps the number of
resources to the percentage of requests expected to meet
the target latency, given the load on the web service.
The shape of a utility function is service-specific and de-
pends on how the service scales, for the expected load,
with respect to the number of resources. In the simplest
case where the web service is embarrassingly parallel,
the utility function is linear with respect to the number
of resources offered until 100% of the requests are ex-
pected to be satisfied, at which point the function turns
into a horizontal line. As a concrete example, if an em-
barrassingly parallel service specifies that 100 instances
are required to handle 10000 requests per second with-
out any of the requests missing the target latency, a linear
utility function will assume that 50 instances will allow
the system to meet the target latency on 50% of the re-
quests. Tributary allows applications to customize the
utility function so as to accommodate the resource re-
quirements of applications with various scaling charac-
In addition to providing υ(), the service also provides
the application’s target SLO in terms of a percentage of
requests required to meet the target latency. By expos-
ing the target SLO as a customizable input, Tributary al-
lows the application to control the Cost-SLO tradeoff.
Upon receiving this information, AcquireMgr acquires
enough resources to meet SLO in expectation while op-
timizing for expected cost. In deciding which resources
to acquire, AcquireMgr uses the prediction models de-
scribed in Sec. 3.1 to predict the probability that each
allocation would be preempted. Using these predictions,
AcquireMgr can compute the expected cost and the ex-
pected utility of a set of allocations (Sec. 3.2). Ac-
quireMgr greedily acquires allocations until the expected
utility is greater than or equal to the SLO percentage re-
quirement (Sec. 3.3).
3.1 Prediction Models
When acquiring spot instances on AWS, there are
three configurable parameters that affect preemption
probability: instance type, availability zone and bid
price. This section describes the models used by Ac-
quireMgr to predict allocation preemption probabilities.
Previous work [16] proposed taking the historical me-
dian probability of preemption based on the instance
type, availability zone and bid price. This approach does
not consider time of day, day of week, price fluctuations
and several other factors that affect preemption proba-
bilities. AcquireMgr trains ML models considering such
features to predict resource reliability.
Training Data and Feature Engineering. The pre-
diction models are trained ahead of time with data de-
rived from AWS spot market price histories. Each sam-
ple in the training dataset is a hypothetical bid, and the
4 2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
target variable, preempted, of our model is whether or
not an instance acquired with the hypothetical bid is pre-
empted before the end of its preemption window (1 hr).
We use the following method to generate our data set:
For each instance and bid delta (bid price above the mar-
ket price with range [0.00001,0.2]) we generate a set of
hypothetical bids with the bid starting at a random point
in the spot market history. For each bid, we look forward
in the spot market price history. If the market price of
the instance rises above the bid price at any point within
the hour, we mark the sample as preempted. For each
historical bid, we also record the ten prices immediately
prior to the random starting point and their time-stamps.
To increase prediction accuracy, AcquireMgr engi-
neers features from AWS spot market price histories.
Our engineered features include: (1) Spot market price;
(2) Average spot market price; (3) Bid delta; (4) Fre-
quency of spot market price changing within past hour;
(5) Magnitude of spot market price fluctuations within
past two, ten, and thirty minutes; (6) Day of the week;
(7) Time of day; (8) Whether the time of day falls within
working hours (separate feature for all three time zones).
These features allow AcquireMgr to construct a more
complex prediction model, leading to a higher prediction
accuracy (Sec. 5.7).
Model Design. To capture the temporal nature of the
EC2 spot market, AcquireMgr uses a Long Short-Term
Memory Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM RNN) to pre-
dict instance preemptions. The LSTM RNN is a popu-
lar model for workloads where the ordering of training
examples is important to prediction accuracy [29]. Ex-
amples of such workloads include language modeling,
machine translation, and stock market prediction. Un-
like feed forward neural networks, LSTM models take
previous inputs into account when classifying input data.
Modeling the EC2 spot market as a sequence of events
significantly improves prediction accuracy (Sec. 5.7).
The output of the model is the probability of the resource
being preempted within the hour.
3.2 AcquireMgr
To make decisions about which resources to acquire
or release, AcquireMgr computes the expected cost and
expected utility of the set of instances it is considering
at each decision point. Calculations of the expected val-
ues are based on probabilities of preemption computed
by AcquireMgr’s trained LSTM model. This section de-
scribes how AcquireMgr computes these values.
Definitions. To aid in discussion, we first define the
notion of a resource pool. Each instance type in each
availability zone forms its own resource pool—in the
context of the EC2 spot instances, each such resource
pool has its own spot market. Given a set of allocations
A, where A is formulated as a jagged array, let A
be de-
fined as the i
entry of A corresponding to an array of
A Set of allocations as jagged array
Sorted array of allocations from resource pool i
i, j
Set of instances allocated from resource pool i
i, j
Probability that allocation a
i, j
is preempted
i, j
Time left in the preemption window for a
i, j
i, j
Number of instances in allocation a
i, j
i, j
Market price of allocation a
i, j
i, j
Bid price of allocation a
i, j
size(y) Size of the major dimension of array y
resc(y) Counts the total number of resources in y
Regularization term for diversity
P(R = r) Probability that r resources remain in A
υ(r) The utility of having r resources remain in A
The expected utility of a set of allocations A
Expected cost of a set of allocations ($)
Table 1: Summary of parameters used by AcquireMgr
allocations from resource pool i sorted by bid price in as-
cending order. We define allocation a
i, j
as an allocation
from resource pool i (i.e., a
i, j
∈ A
) with the j
bid in that resource pool. We further denote p
i, j
as the
bid price of allocation a
i, j
, β
i, j
as the probability of pre-
emption of allocation a
i, j
, and t
i, j
as the time remaining
in the preemption window for allocation a
i, j
. Note that
i, j
≥ p
i, j−1
, which also implies β
i, j−1
≥ β
i, j
. Finally,
we define a size(A) function that returns the size of A’s
major dimension. See Table 1 for symbol reference.
Expected Cost. The total expected cost for a given
footprint A is calculated as the sum over the expected
cost of individual allocations C
i, j
i, j
] (1)
AcquireMgr calculates the expected cost of an alloca-
tion by considering the probability of preemption within
the preemption window β
i, j
for a given allocation a
i, j
a given bid delta. There are exactly two possibilities: an
allocation will either be preempted with probability β
i, j
or it will reach the end of its preemption window in the
remaining t
i, j
minutes with probability 1 − β
i, j
, in which
case we would voluntarily release the allocation. The ex-
pected cost can then be written down as:
i, j
] = (1 − β
i, j
) ∗ P
i, j
∗ k
i, j
i, j
+ β
i, j
∗ 0 ∗ k
i, j
i, j
where k
i, j
is the number of instances in the allocation.
and P
i, j
is the market price for instance of type i at the
time of acquisition.
Expected Utility. In addition to computing expected
cost for a set of allocations, AcquireMgr computes the
expected utility for a set of allocations. The expected
utility is the expected percentage of requests that will
meet the latency target given the set of allocations A. Ex-
pected utility takes into account the probability of allo-
cation preemptions, providing AcquireMgr with a metric
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- Go语言控制台输入输出操作教程
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- 控制卷筒纸侧面位置的先进装置技术解析
- 易语言加解密例程源码详解与实践
- SpringMVC客户管理系统:Hibernate与Bootstrap集成实践
- 深入理解JavaScript Set与WeakSet的使用
- 深入解析接收存储及发送装置的广播技术方法
- zyString模块1.0源码公开-易语言编程利器
- Android记分板UI设计:SimpleScoreboard的简洁与高效
- 量子网格列设置存储组件:开源解决方案
- 全面技术源码合集:CcVita Php Check v1.1
- 中军创易语言抢购软件:付款功能解析
- Python手动实现图像滤波教程
- MATLAB源代码实现基于DFT的量子传输分析
- 开源程序Hukoch.exe:简化食谱管理与导入功能