Wide-field, high-resolution Fourier ptychographic
Guoan Zheng
, Roarke Horstmeyer and Changhuei Yang
We report an imaging method, termed Fourier ptychographic microscopy (FPM), which iteratively stitches together a
number of variably illuminated, low-resolution intensity images in Fourier space to produce a wide-field, high-resolution
complex sample image. By adopting a wavefront correction strategy, the FPM method can also correct for aberrations and
digitally extend a microscope’s depth of focus beyond the physical limitations of its optics. As a demonstration, we built a
microscope prototype with a resolution of 0.78 mm, a field of view of ∼120 mm
and a resolution-invariant depth of focus
of 0.3 mm (characterized at 632 nm). Gigapixel colour images of histology slides verify successful FPM operation. The
reported imaging procedure transforms the general challenge of high-throughput, high-resolution microscopy from one
that is coupled to the physical limitations of the system’s optics to one that is solvable through computation.
he throughput of an imaging platform is fundamentally
limited by the space–bandwidth product (SBP)
of its
optical system, which is defined as the number of degrees of
freedom it can extract from an optical signal. The SBP of a conven-
tional microscope platform is typically in megapixels, regardless of
the magnification factor or numerical aperture (NA) used. As a
reference point, a standard ×20 microscope objective (MPLN
×20, 0.4 NA, Olympus) has a resolution of 0.8 mm and a
1.1-mm-diameter field of view (FOV), corresponding to an SBP of
7 megapixels. Increasing the SBP of a microscope is fundamen-
tally confounded by the scale-dependent geometric aberrations of
its optical elements
, resulting in a compromise between achievable
image resolution and FOV.
In microscopy, however, a large SBP is highly desirable for
biomedical applications such as digital pathology, haematology,
immunohistochemistry and neuroanatomy. The strong need in
biomedicine and neuroscience to digitally image large numbers of
histology slides for analysis has prompted the commercial develop-
ment of sophisticated mechanical scanning microscope systems and
lensless microscopy set-ups. Artificially increasing the SBP of an
imaging system by mechanical means is suboptimal, as it requires
precise control over actuation, optical alignment and motion track-
ing. Furthermore, a mechanical solution simply accepts the intrinsic
resolution limit and SBP of a conventional microscope’s optics,
neglecting the computationally addressable problem of resolution
enhancement. Lensless microscopy methods such as digital in-line
and contact-imaging microscopy
offer unique
imaging capabilities, but also present certain drawbacks. For
example, digital in-line holography does not work well for contigu-
ous samples, and contact-imaging microscopy requires a sample to
be in close proximity to the sensor.
Here, we present a computational imaging method that is
capable of providing a scalable SBP for most existing microscopes
without involving mechanical scanning or phase measurements.
Although the method does require the acquisition of a plurality of
images, it does so non-mechanically and accomplishes its SBP
improvement using the plural data to overcome the physical limit-
ations of the system’s optics.
The imaging method we introduce and demonstrate, termed
Fourier ptychographic microscopy (FPM), shares its roots with
interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy
, ptychography
phase retrieval
, light-field imaging
, structured illumina-
and adaptive optics
. It works by iteratively stitching together
a number of low-resolution images in Fourier space to recover an
accurate high-resolution, high-SBP output image. Unlike systems
designed to increase the SBP of a single acquisition
, combining
time-sequential measurements for the same goal allows our set-up
to maintain a simple and compact form factor. The main design
strategy of FPM is similar to that of interferometric synthetic aper-
ture microscopy
: expanding the SBP in Fourier space via multi-
image fusion. However, because no measured phase information is
needed for FPM, our set-up eliminates the design challenges associ-
ated with interferometric detection schemes. Furthermore, the
image recovery procedure of FPM follows a strategy similar to pty-
chography (that is, scanning diffraction microscopy)
: iteratively
solving for a sample estimate that is consistent with many intensity
measurements. Unlike ptychography, however, FPM’s object
support constraints are imposed in the Fourier domain, offering
several unique advantages and opportunities.
By adding a simple light-emitting diode (LED) matrix illumina-
tion module and applying the FPM reconstruction algorithm, we
transform a conventional optical microscope into a high-resolution
(0.78 mm, 0.5 NA), wide-FOV (120 mm
) microscope with a final
SBP of 1 gigapixel. Our joint optical–digital solution further
allows us to exploit adaptive optics-based wavefront correction strat-
egies to compensate for aberrations and expand the depth of focus
beyond conventional optical limits. Specifically, we use our FPM
procedure to extend a conventional microscope’s 80 mm depth of
focus to 0.3 mm, creating a platform with a large tolerance to
microscope slide placement errors. In the following, we will
briefly outline the FPM operation and experimental set-up,
discuss how to apply the FPM digital wavefront correction tech-
nique, and demonstrate successful gigapixel imaging of a
pathology slide.
Principle of FPM
The data collection procedure of FPM is straightforward. A two-
dimensional sample is placed at the focal plane of a low-NA micro-
scope objective and a sequence of N images is collected, with the
sample successively illuminated by plane waves at N different
Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA;
Present address: Biomedical Engineering and Electrical
Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, 06269, USA.
e-mail: gazheng@caltech.edu
PUBLISHED ONLINE: 28 JULY 2013 | DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2013.187
NATURE PHOTONICS | ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION | www.nature.com/naturephotonics 1
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