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"Fundamentals of Web Development.pdf 是一本详细介绍互联网发展历史和技术基础的纯英文PDF文档。本书涵盖了HTML、CSS和JavaScript等关键前端技术,并通过高清插图辅助理解,适合前端开发初学者作为入门教材。作者为Randy Connolly和Ricardo Hoar,由Pearson Education, Inc.出版。" 在《Web开发基础》这本书中,读者可以深入了解到互联网的起源和发展历程,以及在此过程中诞生的各种关键技术。HTML(超文本标记语言)是构建网页内容的基础,它定义了网页的结构和意义。书中会详细介绍HTML的基本元素、标签以及如何组织页面结构。例如,如何创建标题、段落、列表,以及如何插入图像和链接,这些都是创建静态网页必备的知识。 CSS(层叠样式表)则用于控制网页的外观和布局,使得内容与表现分离。读者将学习到选择器的概念,如何应用样式规则来改变字体、颜色、大小、布局,以及如何实现响应式设计,让网页在不同设备上都能良好显示。此外,浮动、定位和Flexbox或Grid布局系统也是CSS中的重要概念,它们有助于实现复杂的页面布局。 JavaScript是前端开发的核心语言,负责网页的交互性和动态功能。书里会讲解JavaScript的基础语法,如变量、数据类型、运算符、控制流程和函数。还会涉及DOM(文档对象模型)操作,这是JavaScript与HTML进行交互的关键,包括添加、删除和修改网页元素。此外,事件处理和AJAX(异步JavaScript和XML)也会被提及,它们使得网页能够响应用户操作并进行异步数据交换,提升用户体验。 这本书不仅适合完全不懂Web开发的初学者,也对有一定基础的学习者有参考价值。通过阅读和实践书中的例子,读者将能逐步掌握构建交互式动态网站所需的技能。同时,书中配有的高清插图可以帮助读者更好地理解和应用这些技术,降低学习门槛,提高学习效率。在探索Web开发的道路上,这本书无疑是一个有价值的起点。
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Modern web development is so much more than just HTML and CSS with a little JavaScript mixed in. People want faster, more usable interfaces that work on multiple devices, and you need the latest tools and techniques to make that happen. This book gives you over 40 concise solutions to today's web development problems, and introduces new solutions that will expand your skill set---proven, practical advice from authors who use these tools and techniques every day. In this completely updated edition, you'll find innovative new techniques and workflows, as well as reworked solutions that take advantage of new developments. Web development is constantly changing, and you need to stay on top of your game. Discover a wide spectrum of web development techniques, from how to improve the way you present content, to solutions for data analysis, testing, and deployment. In this edition we introduce new tools, add new recipes, and modernize old ones. You'll use Vagrant to automate server setup, and you'll discover new ways to develop blogs and static sites. You'll learn how to use Grunt to script the deployment of your web project, and use Angular to build a single-page app. You'll learn how to make content stand out with simple cross-browser styles; create animations that work well everywhere without plugins; and create lightweight, responsive layouts. We'll show you how to use preprocessors like CoffeeScript and Sass; write tests for your code; use Git and Dropbox to collaborate; configure and secure the Apache web server; use virtualization to set up your own servers automatically; and much more. Whether you're new to front-end development, or you've got a few years of experience, you'll become a more versatile developer by finding out how---and why---to use these solutions in your next project. What You Need: Your favorite text editor, the most current version of Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Safari, and a working knowledge of HTML and JavaScript. Familiarity with command-line interfaces is a plus.